4 As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to him— 5 you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 6 For in Scripture it...
Without God revealing Himself to us more fully in the Bible, we would never be able to know Him as He wants us to. Job 11:7 asks, “Can you search out the deep things of God? Can you find out the limits of the Almighty?” The answer, of course, is no. So God has revealed ...
Again, this ministry is based upon the standard set up by God himself, revealing himself through the word of my true testimony of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, proven to have come within me, in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, according to Isaiah 49:22-26 and I ...
as the defendant rises to hear the verdict read. In fact, "This is the verdict," comes next in the sentence. We are carried by John into the courtroom, where we are on trial--a familiar image throughout Scripture. The verdict is "guilty," and the sentence is death...
all spiritual billionaires. When we believe in Jesus for eternal life, we hit the spiritual jackpot. Numerous passages in the Bible reveal this, but none better than the first three chapters of Ephesians. Paul devotes three full chapters to revealing how rich and wealthy we are as Christians....
He Himself, through suffering punishment, did away with both the sin and the punishment, and He was punished on the Cross. To the Cross then He affixed it; as having power, He tore it asunder. What bond? He means either that which they said to Moses, namely, “All that God hath ...
but rather a unified work of theTriune God. The sermon highlights theongoing presence of Christ, clarifyingmisconceptions about His comingandthe role of the Holy Spiritin the church. Through scripture and insightful analogies, the message challenges believers tosee Christianity as an active participatio...
Theologically, this can be linked to the concept of prevenient grace, where God initiates the revelation and relationship with humanity. This also ties into the broader biblical narrative where God continually reveals Himself through prophets, scripture, and ultimately through Jesus Christ (Hebrews 1:...
If God is revealing a change, why is it necessarily more liberal? Why couldn’t God make his laws more stringent? The Bible gives strong warnings not to add or take away from its teachings. As noted above, even some pro-gay theologians agree that the Bible has straightforward commands, bu...
Romans 8:19 :“For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.” Today’s Meditation:The world still does not see us as the children of God because the time is not yet for our body to be redeemed.Our flesh is still perishing through age...