I remember in my teens reading Romans 1 where Paul says that God has revealed Himself in nature so that men are without excuse, and I remember thinking, “I don’t know about that … I see evidence of God in the beauty and complexity of creation, but I also see a whole lot of evil...
God has revealed Himself in so many different ways in the Bible. God is both a warrior and a humble servant. God is both a lover and a fighter. God is both a mother and a father to His children. God knows which aspect of Himself is needed to be displayed. May you and I pursue t...
The central figure in this verse, who reveals Himself to humanity. 4.Humanity The general audience to whom God has made His nature evident. 5.Creation The means through which God has revealed Himself, as implied in the broader context ofRomans 1. ...
When God revealed Himself to Moses as “I AM Who AM,” He revealed Himself as the One Who was above mere creation…and as the One Who yearned for a covenant relationship with the people He created. The Jews also recognized the tragedy of sin, and the need for sacrifice. But rather th...
Suppose God had revealed his counsels thus far to created understandings, that his own Son was the person chosen for this work, that he had substituted him in the sinner’s obligations and guilt on himself — and had revealed no more, but had left the rest to them to find out. It is...
As a matter of fact, however, although there is mystery, there is no contradiction in what God has revealed about Himself. On the contrary reason is helped very much, instead of being hindered, in its effort to acquire a worthy knowledge of Him Who is infinite and therefore necessarily ...
16.God tells us lots of things about Himself.神告訴我們許多有關祂自己的事情。17.We call these the "attributes" of God.我們稱之为神的“屬性”。18.Let me give you an example.比如說,19.We talk about God’s wisdom, God’s truthfulness, God’s mercy, God’s grace, God’s love, God...
He comes to reveal himself, and in himself the Father, whose Image he is. Thus in its opening words the book takes us beyond itself. What is revealed is not secrets about the future, but a Person. And the Revealer is not man, but God; not John, but the Divine Son, commissioned by...
God revealed himself to Abraham and made the only covenant in the Bible with him, in which God announced to Abraham that his descendants would eventually inherit the Land of Israel.暂无答案更多“God revealed himself to Abraham and made the only covenant in the Bible with him, in which God ...
He has promised Himself to you. –John of the Cross, Spanish priest (1542-91) And when we consider all these attributes of our God of hope—his . . . Trustworthiness Redeeming power Affirmations and Assurances Nature above reproach Sovereignty ...