I remember in my teens reading Romans 1 where Paul says that God has revealed Himself in nature so that men are without excuse, and I remember thinking, “I don’t know about that … I see evidence of God in the beauty and complexity of creation, but I also see a whole lot of evil...
10these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. 哥林多前书 2:10 — The Lexham English Bible (LEB) 10For to us God has revealedthemthrough the Spirit. For the Spirit searches allthings, even the depths of God. ...
Now God has revealed these things to us by the Spirit, since the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. For who knows a person’s...
to lead me deeper, higher, and farther into your love. May I frequently affirm your presence, worshiping you with gratitude and adoration, and trusting that your loving attentiveness will see me through to the end.
God has revealed Himself in so many different ways in the Bible. God is both a warrior and a humble servant. God is both a lover and a fighter. God is both a mother and a father to His children. God knows which aspect of Himself is needed to be displayed. May you and I pursue ...
The outcome is that Catholic people know little about the word of God, know next to nothing about doctrine and, most tragically, know nothing whatsoever of God as He has revealed Himself in the word. They have superstitious notions of God without the benefits of a relationship and without ...
if the acceptance of Christianity is to be justified as a reasonable act of faith, the human mind must be capable of knowing naturally that a God exists who is free to reveal Himself supernaturally, in such wise that men may be rationaly certain that He has done so through the ministry ...
Romans 1:19 :“because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them.” Today’s Meditation:We may not know all things about God, but He has at least revealed Himself to us for us to understand Him enough. Our understandings towards God is not about ...
He comes to reveal himself, and in himself the Father, whose Image he is. Thus in its opening words the book takes us beyond itself. What is revealed is not secrets about the future, but a Person. And the Revealer is not man, but God; not John, but the Divine Son, commissioned by...
We can probably do little to nothing to solve the challenges in the Middle East and elsewhere, but there are some things we can do to contribute to a shift in the world. First, we can ensure that we are inclusive and diverse, that we treat every person as God’s creation, much loved...