“As the world is my parish,” Wesley declared, and this sentiment rings true. The “Good News” first reached our forefathers through Wesley’s ministry, and since then, the “Word of God” has been woven into the fabric of our families. It’s not merely about passing on the “Word ...
How God Changes UsBy Ney BaileyFrom time to time, we all see areas in our lives that we struggle with; areas that we wish could be different. It might be moral failures or habits that have us discouraged. How does God want us to approach those areas? Is there a way to find freedom...
The article seeks to argue that indigenous knowledge and, from the Black liberation paradigm, conceptions of God reveal a God with a social existence in contrast to a Western God who abdicates creation when the majority of creation and her creatures are oppressed by White sup...
The Bhagavad-gita declares that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, who is the creator of both this universe and the spiritual world beyond it, can be understood only by His mercy, when He is pleased to reveal Himself to His faithful devotees. Although our logic and mental gymnastics...
Does Shintoism need to conform to compete with Christianity better yet does it really need to compete with other religions anyway? The main sentiment that comes with foreign religions is to explain the creation of the universe usually depicting a divine being or god while Shintoism mainly tries ...
Unfortunately, Satan, speaking through a serpent, tricked Eve into eating the fruit. She then took the fruit to Adam, who also ate it even though he knew it was wrong. As their punishment for disobeying God, Adam and Eve experienced both spiritual and physical death. In other religions, ...
The Atheist proclaims: If there were indeed a God, then He would reveal Himself? Yet, God does not want the Atheist to believe -- certain areas of mind can only be developed as a non-believer. We have every variety of religious teachers who are consumed with indoctrinating others into the...
Supernatural creation - God or some other supernatural power created the first living cell. And it doesn't really matter if aliens or meteorites brought the first living cell to earth, because the aliens would have come into existence through either spontaneous creation or supernatural creation at ...
When the little guy asks his mother what is wrong with his father, Lili answers “His heart hurts,”(155) Because of the guy feels pity on himself, he considers his own life as if it is meant for nothing. He does not want to continue with his boring life but, he desires some ...
For example, you may approach the Sage archetype in the form of the Norse god Odin (who may or may not be an objective spirit guide – that’s up to you to decide). But an archetype itself is a pure type of energy. It is impersonal. It does not respond to prayer, devotion, or...