Divine Strategery is how God fools all the religious leaders who think they doctrinally know God - the teachers who think they Know Truth - the Atheists who denounce the existence of God - and the people in this world who think they understand the purpos
If Einstein's brain ever truly reveals its secrets, Harvey won't be here to see it; he died in 2007 at the age of 94. Einstein and the mystery of his brain, however, live on. Einstein’s Brain FAQ Was Einstein's brain stolen? During the autopsy, conducted at Princeton ...
Just as the "flat people" on the paper could not know about you unless you touched the paper, we cannot detect God unless he reveals himself. He must "touch the paper" of our world. God has to step down in dimensions. The Invisible God Revealed As we study human history, especially r...
For the sake of clarity, here is everything that God said to Moses, while he’s busy doubting himself. MOSES’ SELF-DOUBTGOD’S RESPONSE “Who am I that I should go to Pharoah and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?”“I will be with you and this will be the sign to you that it...
The crazy thing about Christianity where you have this Jewish itinerant guy who’s walking around first century Roman occupied Judea, he’s making some pretty audacious claims, claims to be God himself, and then he predicts his own death and resurrection and then his disciples are, they think...
Yet the Bible reveals that God does arrange circumstances to challenge our character— to help us togrow—where the outcome isnotso predictable. When we choose, weparticipatewith God in the creation of our character.We have a role to play in God’s creation of His character within us, as...
Opener “Walk On Water” reveals a rapper full of vulnerability and self-doubt. Beyoncé begins the track with the graceful, gospel-infused chorus, and her exultation of “I ain’t no Jesus” provides the perfect introduction to a song that details Eminem’s struggles to live up to his fan...
It is foolish to pray without The Bible, because through The Bible the Lord reveals Himself to us. God speaks to us through His Word and it is our responsibility to respond. Every now and again The Bible requires us to change our behavior, our way of thinking and our prayers. ...
minutes without feeling a free-floating sense of fear. They have tried many remedies but none have worked and they are now numbed out on antidepressants. As a child, Arjun’s religious family taught them that they would go to hell if they didn’t obey God. They have a wounded inner ...
God's healing and saving love The Gospel’s message is therefore clear, said the Pope: “God reveals Himself by liberating and healing the human person, with a gratuitous love that saves.” “Jesus thanks His Father, because His greatness consists in His love and He never works...