markdownIt({ html: true, linkify: true, typographer: true, }) .use(markdownItTocAndAnchor, { tocCallback: function(tocMarkdown, tocArray, tocHtml) { console.log(tocHtml) } }) .render(md) To allow callback to be more flexible, this option is also available in global markdown-it ...
github markdown 同时复制包含多个链接文本,要怎么处理呢 ??? 分别生成多个对应的链接 ✅ First Blog: Published Date: 2016-01-01 Second Blog: Published Date: 2016-01-02<metacharset='utf-8'><aid="welcome-to-github-pages"target="_blank"class="anchor"href="
4. Enjoy your (relatively) hassle-free GitHub anchor links Assuming all of the above Markdown was in a file named '', here is what we'd find inside of 'anchorhub-out/': #This is a header that I would like to make a tag forYou can also use Setext (underlined...
🏠 ⬇️ Copy Anchor Link 1.1.0 This plugin add several icons next to the note headings that you can click on to copy markdown link of the specific heading. Hieu-Thi Luong 🏠 ⬇️ Copy Code Blocks 1.1.2 Add a copy button to the code blocks. Light 🏠 ⬇️ Copy link ...
markdown-it plugin to add toc and anchor links in headings Installation ```session $yarnaddmarkdown-it-toc-and-anchor ``` Usage ES6 ```js importmarkdownItfrom"markdown-it" importmarkdownItTocAndAnchorfrom"markdown-it-toc-and-anchor" ...
迁移过程 1. 把所有 DITA 文件放到同一个目录 可以自己写一个 python 脚本。有时间写了放到这里。 2. DITA 转换成 Markdown 格式 Convert...
简介:[笔记]Github+Gitbook+Github Page+Typora搭建电子书 前期 nodejs npm gitbook github仓库 Typora MarkDown 编辑器 环境搭建 nodejs安装:NodeJS可在其官网( npn安装gitbook: npm install gitbook-cli -g gitbook安装summer插件自动生成 ...
"links": { "sidebar": { "我的博客": "" } }, "plugins": [ "-sharing", "splitter", "expandable-chapters-small", "anchors", "github", "github-buttons", "donate", "sharing-plus", "anchor-navigation-ex", ...
NexT 主题的可配置项非常丰富,配置文件为 hexo/themes/next/_config.yml,官方文档是非常好的参考资料。 4.2.1 使能主题更新提醒 # Console reminder if new version released.reminder:true 4.2.2 配置网站图标 将自己的网站图标(大小为 16x16 和 32x32)放到 hexo/themes/next/source/images 目录下,并修改主题配...