Using Dynamic Anchor Tags in React Markdown With this simple function, any H2 headers receive a dynamically-generated anchor tag that is based on the title. The only thing content creators need to keep in mind is adding the correct tag when they add the anchor link in Contentful....
Deep Classifier: Assign Monitor Markdown Preview - HTML Anchor Tag Links don't scroll within document #77311 Sign in to view logs Summary Jobs main Run details Usage Workflow file Triggered via issue June 13, 2024 18:12 VSCodeTriageBot assigned #215455 559d3e4 ...
Assuming all of the above Markdown was in a file named '', here is what we'd find inside of 'anchorhub-out/': #This is a header that I would like to make a tag forYou can also use Setext (underlined) style headers---...[This links back to the header using...
Allows you to get toc contents externally by executing a callback function returning toc elements, in addition / instead of using @[toc] tag in content. Example : ```sh markdownIt({ html:true, linkify:true, typographer:true, })
(==0.4)", "ghp-import (==1.0)", "importlib-metadata (==4.3)", "jinja2 (==2.11.1)", "markdown (==3.2.1)", "markupsafe (==2.0.1)", "mergedeep (==1.3.4)", "packaging (==20.5)", "pyyaml (==5.1)", "pyyaml-env-tag (==0.1)", "typing-extensions (==3.10)", "...
In the meantime, a fix mentioned in the article above is to insert a span inside the link. You can use the safariReaderFix option to enable it.const anchor = require('markdown-it-anchor') const md = require('markdown-it')() md.use(anchor, { permalink: anchor.permalink.headerLink({...
I have noticed, with the upgrade of "markdown-it-link-attributes": "^4.0.0", the anchor tag navigation is no longer working as before, when clicking the anchor the link opens in a new (blank) browser tab instead of navigating through vue...
Problem When you have an internal embed to a markdown note with an header (a block reference or header link), the header will be processed as a body tag. Expected behavior Ignore the header anchor Steps to reproduce Create a note with a ...
Allows you to get toc contents externally by executing a callback function returning toc elements, in addition / instead of using @[toc] tag in content. Example :markdownIt({ html: true, linkify: true, typographer: true, }) .use(markdownItTocAndAnchor, { tocCallback: function(tocMark...
to click on one of the items to navigate directly to that section, but that doesn't work. The expected behaviour is similar to how GitHub handles headings so that I can link to a specific section in e.g. this project's README