markdown-it plugin to add toc and anchor links in headings markdown-it markdown-it plugin markdown-it-ftoc markdown-it-toc fchengjin• 1.0.3 • 6 years ago • 0 dependents • MITpublished version 1.0.3, 6 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT 13 linkjuice Automatically wraps...
We are using React Markdown to parse the Contentful markdown, and, although the parser does not automatically generate anchor tags, there are ways around it. The goal is to allow content creators to create links to headers. For example, clicking on “below” links the page directly to the ...
markdownIt({ html: true, linkify: true, typographer: true, }) .use(markdownItTocAndAnchor, { tocCallback: function(tocMarkdown, tocArray, tocHtml) { console.log(tocHtml) } }) .render(md) To allow callback to be more flexible, this option is also available in global markdown-it ...
I am running markdown-link-check via I believe I am using v3.11.1. The following anchor link is failing -> [✖] l-is-the-package-in-the-linux-distro-base-image → Status: ...
Last modified: 03 December 2024 Reports unresolved references in Markdown links. Locating this inspection By ID Via Settings dialog Path to the inspection settings via IntelliJ Platform IDE Settings dialog, when you need to adjust inspection settings directly from your IDE. ...
A Remark plugin to add anchor links to headings. This plugin processes headings in the markdown and adds anchor links to them so that they can be linked to directly. The anchor links are added as anatag with ahrefattribute pointing to the heading'sid. The anchor links are also given a ...
Additionally, screen readers users commonly request the list of all links in the page, so they'll be flooded with "number sign, number sign, number sign" for each of your headings.I would highly recommend using one of the markups above which have a better experience, but if you really ...
In my code (C / python / perl / etc.), python example: forthisin that: print(this) # (linkToMarkdown:[1.0]) duplicates BSERV-4532Link to headers in markdown via anchor tags Gathering Interest Forms Form Name Activity All Comments ...
A Figma Plugin for converting Markdown-style links to clickable hyperlinks. Turn [text](url), <a href="url">example</a>, and [url=url]text[/url] clickable. Ideal for those syncing with Google Sheets! 📊 More like this Word Hugger CopyDoc Text Kit Text››helper Version history Ve...
(here we're intercepting onlyNavigationLinkRequested). For these links we create a custom web engine view, set the URL and then display the window. Note that we need to keep a reference to the created window (inexternal_windows) so it isn't destroyed. For everything else, we pass ...