Using Dynamic Anchor Tags in React Markdown With this simple function, any H2 headers receive a dynamically-generated anchor tag that is based on the title. The only thing content creators need to keep in mind is adding the correct tag when they add the anchor link in Contentful....
You can also add an anchor for an element such as Headers, then you can link to this anchor anywhere, when you click that link in the Preview view, it'll auto scroll to the place of the destination anchor. For example below is a normal h2 Header: This is an example Now we add an...
Start a line with a hash character # to set a heading. Organize your remarks with subheadings by starting a line with more hash characters, for example, ###. You can use up to six levels of headings.Example:markdown 复制 # This is a H1 header ## This is a H2 header ### This ...
Insert header number sections. 插入目录段落序号 Auto active plugin on markdown。 Insert anchor for header<a id="markdown-header" name="header"></a>插入锚到文件头 Linking via anchor tags # A 1 → #a-1 自动重拍段落编号 Depth control[1-6] with depthFrom:1 and depthTo:6 段落编号支持6...
The syntax for an anchor link to a section...[Link to a heading in the page](#link-to-a-heading-in-the-page) The ID is all lower case, and the link is case-sensitive, so be sure to use lower case, even though the heading uses upper case. You can also reference headings ...
Allows you to add a prefix to the generated header ids, e.g.section-. anchorClassName (default:"markdownIt-Anchor") Allows you to customize the anchor link class. If no class is wanted set tonull. wrapHeadingTextInAnchor (default:false) ...
Header link This style wraps the header itself in an anchor link. It doesn't use thesymboloption as there's no symbol needed in the markup (though you could add it with CSS using::beforeif you like). It's so simple it doesn't have any behaviour to custom, and it's also accessible...<h1><a id="user-content-markdown-title-example"class="anchor"href="#markdown-title-example"aria-hidden="true"><span aria-hidden="true"class="octicon octicon-link"></span></a>Markdown Title Example</h1> ...
replace(/[^\w]+/g, '-'); return '<h' + level + '>' + '<a name="' + escapedText + '" class="anchor" href="#' + escapedText + '">' + '<span class="header-link"></span>' + '</a>' + text + '</h' + level + '>'; }; } }...
You can also add an anchor for an element such as Headers, then you can link to this anchor anywhere, when you click that link in the Preview view, it'll auto scroll to the place of the destination anchor. For example below is a normal h2 Header: This is an example Now we add an...