rebase是git里非常灵活的命令,我一般用rebase本地压我自己巨大的commits因为我喜欢写一个函数测一下然后再交。 但是rebase和别人协作时很容易conflicts,而且如果conflicts是和压缩后的commits其中一个commits,conflicts就直接一大串(和后面的全部冲突)。merge的话就是看起来线很混乱,但是一旦conflicts解决起来容易很多,解决...
结论3:只要你的分支上需要rebase的所有commits历史还没有被push过(比如上例中rebase时从分叉处开始有两个commit历史会被重写),就可以安全地使用git rebase来操作。 上述结论可能还需要修正:对于不再有子分支的branch,并且因为rebase而会被重写的commits都还没有push分享过,可以比较安全地做rebase 我们在rebase自己的私...
git rebase[-i | --interactive] [<options>] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase> | --keep-base] [<upstream> [<branch>]]git rebase[-i | --interactive] [<options>] [--exec <cmd>] [--onto <newbase>] --root [<branch>]git rebase(--continue|--skip|--abort|--quit|--edit-to...
git checkout editing git rebase -i main # do interactive rebasing, specificically squashing git checkout main 此时,我希望所有(挤压的)提交都复制/重放到main上,并且HEAD指向最后一次编辑提交(现在在main中)。但海德似乎仍在指向之前对main的最后一次承诺。注意:编辑是基于对main的倒数第二次提交,010141c(...
rebase later with 'git rebase --continue')# d, drop <commit> = 我要丢弃该commit(缩写:d)# l, label = label current HEAD with a name# t, reset = reset HEAD to a label# m, merge [-C <commit> | -c <commit>] [# <oneline>]#.create a merge commit using the original merge...
git merge应该只用于为了保留一个有用的,语义化的准确的历史信息,而希望将一个分支的整个变更集成到另外一个branch时使用。这样形成的清晰版本变更图有着重要的价值。 所有其他的情况都是以不同的方式使用rebase的适合场景:经典型方式,三点式,interactive和cherry-picking. ...
调整缓存key# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.## Date: Fri Nov 20 19:08:02 2020 +0800## interactive rebase in progress; onto 37a196074# Last commands done (6 commands done):# squash ...
Important note about Interactive rebase When you use thegit rebase -i HEAD~Xthere can bemorethanXcommits. Git will "collect" all the commits in the lastXcommits and if there was a merge somewhere in between that range you will see all the commits as well so the outcome will be X+. ...
While working on my branch i merged the master branch to keep my work up to date with the master. Now when I want to clean up my commit history (squash / pick) i get all the commits from the master branch as well by git rebase myBranch -i HEAD myfirstcommit How can I filter out...
(4)编辑rebase第二个交互页面 上边保存退出之后,会直接跳转到这个交互页面上。 如下: # This is a combination of 4 commits. # This is the 1st commit message: 第3次提交,新增hello.html文件 v2 # This is the commit message #2: 第4次提交,新增hello.html文件 v3 ...