DoubleHelix 2019/08/15 3.3K0 24种R语言新手入门之小提琴图(三) 数据分析 柱状图和箱线图的代码能理解了其实发现好多作图都是可以触类旁通的,小提琴图作为科研结果常用展示图也不可或缺,用ggplot或者vioplot。 生信初学者 2023/03/14 1.8K0 跟着Nature学作图:R语言ggplot2箱线图/散点图/patchwork包组合图 数...
c1 <- ggplot(data = mut.melt1 %>% tidyr::complete(patient_id, fill=list(NA))) + geom_bar(position="fill", aes(x=patient_id, fill=value)) + theme_classic() + ylab("Prop. of Driver muts") + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))+ theme(axis.text.x = element_bla...
ggplot(a, aes(x = 小说类别, y = V1, fill = 小说性质)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity") + ylab("") + scale_fill_manual(values = rainbow(2, alpha = 0.3)) + theme(text = element_text(family = "STKaiti")) # beside = F,按列并列 barplot(d, beside = T, col = rainbow(2, ...
ggp1<-ggplot(data)+# Draw ggplot2 barplotgeom_bar(aes(group, sample), stat="identity")ggp1 By executing the previous code we have plotted Figure 1, i.e. a ggplot2 bargraph without any lines or secondary y-axes. Let’s modify this plot!
3. 散点图(Scatter Plot)—— 适用于相关性分析 📌适用场景:分析两个变量之间的关系,例如“广告支出 vs 销售额”。 # 生成示例数据 set.seed(123) data <- data.frame(Advertising = rnorm(100, mean = 50, sd = 10), Sales = rnorm(100, mean = 200, sd = 50)) ...
plot <- ggplot(newDoto, aes(y = pid3lean, weight = weight, fill = factor(Q29_1String, levels = c("Strongly disagree","Somewhat disagree", "Neither agree nor disagree", "Somewhat agree", "Strongly agree"))) + geom_bar(position = "fill", width = .732) #...
1. 柱状图(Bar Chart)—— 适用于分类数据对比 📌适用场景:展示不同类别的数据对比,如“不同国家的GDP”、“不同公司利润对比”。 # 生成示例数据 data <- data.frame(Category = c("A", "B", "C", "D"), Value = c(10, 15, 7, 20)) ...
Details about underlying functions used to create graphics and statistical tests carried out can be found in the function documentation: more, also read the following vignette:
How to create a bar plot using ggplot2 with percentage on Y axis in R - Mostly, the bar plot is created with frequency or count on the Y-axis in any way, whether it is manual or by using any software or programming language but sometimes we want to use p