This method enables live and time‐lapse imaging of GFP‐labeled neurons using an assay plate that is continuously imaged at multiple times after chemical treatment. In this article, we describe how to thaw frozen GFP‐labeled neurons, culture them, treat them with a compound of interest,...
Generation of dopaminergic neurons in the adult brain from mesencephalic precursor cells labeled with a nestin-GFP transgene. J. Neurosci. 21, 3895-3903.Sawamoto K,Nakao N,Kakishita K,et al.Generation of dopaminergic neurons in the adult brain from mesencephalic precursor cells labeled with a ...
GFP labeled neurons in GAD67-GFP BAC transgenic mice are GABAergic neurons.Shengli, Zhao
GFP-labeled motor neurons and interneurons in the spinal cord.Sreenivasa, R. SankavaramMikael, A. SvenssonTomas, OlssonLou, BrundinClas, B. Johansson
Morphological features of neurons labeled by GFP gene recombinant virus in the deeper part of lamina Ⅲ of the rat medullary dorsal horn GFP绿色荧光蛋白基因神经原形态特征重组病毒脊髓背角摘要:中国组织化学与细胞化学杂志LeWuHuiLiYunqingLi
Confocal Imaging of GFP-Labeled Ion ChannelsThe generation and maintenance of cell polarity is crucial for vectorial solute and fluid transport in epithelial cells and for the normal function of neurons. Epithelial cells must asymmetrically dis
PRV-614/MC4R-GFP double-labeled neurons in the spinal cord.DaWei YeCheng LiuTaoTao LiuXueBi TianHongBing Xiang
PRV-614/MC4R-GFP double-labeled neurons in the periaqueductal gray.DaWei, YeCheng, LiuTaoTao, LiuXueBi, TianHongBing, Xiang
Long-term live LSCM of GFP-filled dendritic spines contacting VAMP2-DsRed-labeled boutons in dissociated cultured neurons.James, E. ReillyHugo, H. HansonMónica, FernándezMonrealSusan, L. WearnePatrick R., HofGreg, R. Phillips