{charbuf[256];size_tlen;vm_prop_id_tmin_prop;vm_prop_id_tmax_prop; ushort func_cnt; ushort j;vm_meta_entry_t*entry;vm_obj_id_tclass_obj;/* read the length of this entry, and make sure it's valid */len = fp->read_uint2();if(len >sizeof(buf) -1)returnVMERR_SAVED_META...
开发者ID:AutonomicStudios,项目名称:godot,代码行数:26,代码来源:item_list_editor_plugin.cpp 示例7: __calculate_item_positions ▲点赞 1▼ voidt_list_view::__calculate_item_positions(t_size index_start) {if(index_start >=get_item_count())return; t_size y_pointer =0;if(m_group_count)wh...
library must first know the size of it. To know the size of the window the GUI library must first layout the contents of the window. In retained mode this is easy: the GUI library does the window layout, positions the window, then checks for interaction ("was the OK button clicked?")...
分享182赞 godot吧 魔魇风魂 这个是bug吗 红色划线部分接触后,角色会往蓝色线滑动,就是接触后,没有任何操作,它自己会滑动。四个圆角的地方接触都会这样,往水平的线靠拢 分享12赞 石炉吧 日近长安路途远 大佬们,我遇见bug了,然后什么东西也造不了 分享61 国王的恩赐吧 Klanex 船开进了山洞,杯具的BUG了。。
今年上半年开始,费德勒进入了端盘状态,一直到温布尔登网球公开赛决赛,在奶粉们都满怀期待的目光下 分享61赞 godot吧 什么都没呢 使用WebSocket 连接SignalR 订阅获取数据的问题项目要导出到html,现在不支持c#导出只能用GDScript!!! 网上找到了使用普通socket连接SignalR的解决方案,地址:https://trailheadtechnology.com...
godot goddess glycerine globulin glitter glinting glimpsed glazed glared glances glamour givin girlish ginning ghosts ghettos ghana gertrude germ geology geography genial genetic generates generalize gehrig gasps gasping gasped gary garth's garrison garages gantry gamma gamblers gallant gaily fuse furs furrow...
开发者ID:vfaronov,项目名称:geany,代码行数:40,代码来源:msgwindow.c 示例4: assert ▲点赞 1▼ boolvideo::init_window(intsizex,intsizey) { assert(win_hInstance !=0); g_sizex = sizex; g_sizey = sizey;if( !WinInit(win_hInstance, win_iCmdShow, gWndClass, title,false) )returnDisplay...
开发者ID:AutonomicStudios,项目名称:godot,代码行数:26,代码来源:item_list_editor_plugin.cpp 示例11: tomorrow ▲点赞 1▼ voidtomorrow(){ dom =1; leap = nyear = nmonth =false;get_flags(); update(); } 开发者ID:EmmanuelSHS,项目名称:SystemConfig,代码行数:7,代码来源:GetTomorrow.cpp ...
开发者ID:techtonik,项目名称:godot,代码行数:46,代码来源:entry_points_egl_ext.cpp 示例7: QuerySurface ▲ EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRYQuerySurface(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, EGLint attribute, EGLint *value){ EVENT("(EGLDisplay dpy = 0x%0.8p, EGLSurface surface = 0x%0.8p, EGLint attribute...