Such molecular studies (see Chapter 3) indicate that there are homologies between viral and host proteins; of particular interest to the antiviral field are those involved with genome replication and other virus enzymes. Although no host enzymes exist in eukaryotes to replicate RNA (a prerequisite ...
HIV-1 LTR promoter that are consequent to the expression of Tat, the interactions of the protein with P-TEFb and with the cellular HATs p300/CBP [14], P/CAF [15], GCN5 [16] and TIP60 [17] appear to be of particular importance in the transcriptional activation of viral gene ...
Although many viral silencing suppressors have been identified, the molecular basis of silencing suppression is poorly understood. It is proposed that various suppressors inhibit RNA silencing by targeting different steps. However, as double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) play key roles in silencing, it was ...
Bottom: histograms of labeled SLP-76-Halo per cluster (at DOL of 16.7 ± 1.7%) in the presence and absence of the viral protein Nef. In a, DOL 8%: n = 21 cells; DOL 12%: n = 20 cells; and DOL 20%: n = 9 cells. Cluster analysis for 8% DOL 1.5 min...
Here, we observed that the same models can also guide efficient evolution when measuring only a small number (~101) of variants according to diverse definitions of fitness, including antibiotic resistance, cancer drug resistance, enzyme activity or viral replication fitness48. We used the same algor...
DNA-protein interactions exert the fundamental structure of many pivotal biological processes, such as DNA replication, transcription, and gene regulation. However, accurate and efficient computational methods for identifying these interactions are still
Sam68, RNA helicase A and Tap cooperate in the post-transcriptional regulation of human immunodeficiency virus and type D retroviral mRNA. Unlike cellular mRNA, retroviral mRNA bypasses the tight coupling of the splicing and nuclear export steps to allow the export of intron-containing viral R......
. The annealing sites for the forward sequencing primer (MP57) and the backward primer (GIII) are also indicated on the map (used in Steps 30 and 68). B. Nucleotide sequence and amino acid sequence of the Nanobody cloning site. An amber stopcodon (TAG) is located downstream of the ...
dissociationofcomplexesofDNAwithtwoproteincopies. ©2012ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved. 1.Introduction BindingofmultipleproteinstoasingleDNAmoleculeiscom- monincellbiologyandplaysakeyroleinregulationofgene expression,DNAreplication,DNAintegritycontrol,andviralrepli- cation[1,2].Understandingthedynamicsofthesefundame...
Although many viral silencing suppressors have been identified, the molecular basis of silencing suppression is poorly understood. It is proposed that various suppressors inhibit RNA silencing by targeting different steps. However, as double-stranded RNAs (dsRNAs) play key roles in silencing, it was ...