This document introduces the syntax of conditional functions in Spark SQL. IF You are advised to use theIFfunction inNew Calculation Columnof FineDatalink. For details about the example, seeAdding a Column Using the IF Function. NVL Syntax: NVL(Expression,Default value) ...
需要对Spark SQL的DataFrame的一列做groupBy聚合其他所有特征,处理方式是将其他所有特征使用function.array配合function.collect_list聚合为数组,代码如下 valjoinData=data.join(announCountData,Seq("ent_name"),"left_outer").groupBy($"ent_name").agg(collect_list(array("publish_date","target_amt","case_pos...
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._ object udfTest { // 定义一个自定义函数,判断字符串长度是否大于等于指定长度 val stringLengthUDF = udf((s: String, length: Int) => s.length >= length) def main(args:...
Spark SQL DENSE_RANK() Window function as a Count Distinct Alternative TheSpark SQL rank analytic functionis used to get a rank of the rows in column or within a group. In the result set, the rows with equal or similar values receive the same rank with next rank value skipped. Following...
> CREATE FUNCTION area(x DOUBLE, y DOUBLE) RETURNS DOUBLE RETURN x * y; -- Use a SQL function in the SELECT clause of a query. > SELECT area(c1, c2) AS area FROM t; 0.0 2.0 -- Use a SQL function in the WHERE clause of a query. > SELECT * FROM t WHERE area...
(See the SQL_DRIVER_HDESC or SQL_DRIVER_HSTMT descriptors later in this function description for more information.)If InfoValuePtr is NULL, StringLengthPtr will still return the total number of bytes (excluding the null-termination character for character data) available to return in the buffer...
* Adds a JAR dependency for all tasks to be executed on this `SparkContext` in the future. * * If a jar is added during execution, it will not be available until the next TaskSet starts. * * @param path can be either a local file, a file in HDFS (or other Hadoop-supported file...
as an expression argument to Pyspark built-in functions. Most of the commonly used SQL functions are either part of thePySpark Column classor built-inpyspark.sql.functionsAPI, besides these PySpark also supports many other SQL functions, so in order to use these, you have to useexpr()...
In Databricks Runtime, ifspark.sql.ansi.enabledisfalse, an overflow returnsNULLinstead of an error. Examples SQL >SELECTavg(col)FROMVALUES(1), (2), (3)AStab(col); 2.0 >SELECTavg(DISTINCTcol)FROMVALUES(1), (1), (2)AStab(col); 1.5 >SELECTavg(col)FROMVALUES(1), (2), (NULL)AS...
spark_partition function split function split_part function sqrt function sql_keywords function stack function startswith function std function stddev function stddev_pop function stddev_samp function str_to_map function string function struct function substr function substring function substring_index function...