随着共混物中PA66含量的上升,由于酰胺键平面振动所导致的930~935 cm-1处峰位置从928 cm-1向935 cm-1方向移动且峰强逐渐增加,该处峰位与峰强变化明显且相关性较强;而960 cm-1处峰位置逐渐从959 cm-1变化至957 cm-1,然后于PA...
随着共混物中PA66含量的上升,由于酰胺键平面振动所导致的930~935 cm-1处峰位置从928 cm-1向935 cm-1方向移动且峰强逐渐增加,该处峰位与峰强变化明显且相关性较强;而960 cm-1处峰位置逐渐从959 cm-1变化至957 cm-1,然后于PA...
Nicolet iS50 NIR 模块只会增加 11 英寸 (27.9 cm) 推荐用途: 聚合物和橡胶 法医学 制药 颜料/涂料/油墨 食品/调味品/食用油 一般实验室 支持云技术的 FTIR 光谱 所有Nicolet FTIR 光谱仪均允许随时随地在任何设备上存储、共享和解读光谱数据。研究人员、实验室技术人员、教育工作者及其学生都可以使用 Thermo Fi...
LITE、X 和 PRO 型号:具有多种经工厂验证的规格(不仅是典型或可实现的结果),您可在预算内选择符合样品需求的性能。使用 PRO 型号可达到 0.45 cm-1 的光谱分辨率。使用 Summit X 和 LITE 型号可达到 0.6 cm-1 的光谱分辨率。 Nicolet Summit FTIR 光谱仪材料分析软件 ...
Malignancy was usually characterized by the absence of CH and C=O bands, a weak amide II band near 1545 cm-1, a shift of the amide I band to lower wave number, a decrease in the ∼1450 cm-1 peak to less than the ∼ 1400 cm-1 peak. Subtraction spectra indicate that the amide...
红外光谱FTIR课件.ppt,吡嗪酰胺(抗结核病药) 丙二烯类 两个双键共用中间碳原子,耦合强烈,1600厘米-1无吸收,在2000-1915厘米-1和1100-1000厘米-1附近有不对称和对称伸缩振动,两峰相距900厘米-1,前者为中强峰,后者为弱峰。 芳香烃 振动类型 波数(cm-1) 说明 芳环C-H
and normalization to the peak at 3445 cm-1. Omnic 9 software was used as well for preliminary comparison to spectral library entries. Selection of the Region of Interest (ROI) and the PCA analysis of spectral data was performed with Peak Spectroscopy software, and the generated data was used...
Infrared spectrum chart peak positions were basically the same, and the chemical composition were roughly the same. They were composed of carbohydrate, protein, lipid and other biological molecular vibration spectrum band.From 1 800 to 1 000 cm-1 for second derivative conduction, the difference ...
Analyst software to automate the analysis using Beer's Law or more complex modeling, or you can record basic information (peak height or peak area) in a spreadsheet and then use linear (or non-linear) regression. It is generally the same idea as done for chromatography or atomic spectroscopy...
The peak at 1734.3 cm−1 is for CO stretching due to the presence of aldehyde group. The peak at 1612.4 cm−1 indicates the presence of CC stretching of alkenes and NH bending of amines and amides. The peak at 1514.2 cm−1 is assigned to the vibration of NO in nitro (RNO2) ...