Measurement conditionSpectral resolution (FWHM): Wavenumber resolution (FWHM) equivalent to 25 cm-1 Signal‐to‐noise ratio: Ratio of the peak value of the spectrum data when light is incident to the root mean square (rms) of noise in the dark state ...
cm-1, 1543 cm-1, the characteristic peaks of fat, at 2926 cm-1, 1747 cm-1, the characteristic peaks of carbohydrate at 3396 cm-1 1200~900 cm-1 and the characteristics peaks of starch,at 1647 cm-1, 1416 cm-1, the special sign peak of benzoyl peroxide,at 1200~1100 cm-1 period....
The Si-O-Si bond angle increased with increasing tensile stress, but the peak at ∼1200 cm−1 decreased with increasing tensile stress (even though volume expands with tensile stress). This anomalous feature was attributed to changing force constants by applied stress.; For fumed silica ...
红外光谱FTIR课件.ppt,吡嗪酰胺(抗结核病药) 丙二烯类 两个双键共用中间碳原子,耦合强烈,1600厘米-1无吸收,在2000-1915厘米-1和1100-1000厘米-1附近有不对称和对称伸缩振动,两峰相距900厘米-1,前者为中强峰,后者为弱峰。 芳香烃 振动类型 波数(cm-1) 说明 芳环C-H
All spectra are normalized to the peak absorbance value of the internal standard (AIS, located at wavenumber 2120 cm−1). The normalized height of the soil samples’ main absorption peak (at 1035 cm−1) decreases steadily as the firing temperature is increased from 150 to 900 °C (see ...
After staining, the amide I band was identified at 1674 cm−1. However, the false-colour map based on this peak height did not match with the staining, showing that the size is only distributed in small interstices between two yarns, below the ground (red dotted contour in Fig. 6a). ...
and normalization to the peak at 3445 cm-1. Omnic 9 software was used as well for preliminary comparison to spectral library entries. Selection of the Region of Interest (ROI) and the PCA analysis of spectral data was performed with Peak Spectroscopy software, and the generated data was used...
Carbohydrate-related bands exhibited different intensities depending on the wood section, but in general they predominated in the spectra that discriminate the outer wood; specifically the bands at 1030 cm−1, 1100 cm−1, 1240 cm−1, 1380 cm−1 and 1440 cm−1 were crucial for ...
The intense rather wide peak at 1620–1615 cm–1 is composite and seems to be a combination of two peaks at 1640 and 1600 cm–1 corresponding to main bending vibrations of absorbed water [50] and one of the main overtone bands in quartz and silica (Table 2), respectively. The ...
c Subsurface nano-FTIR phase spectra of PMMA at different depths d2 below PS (average of 50 spectra (80 spectra for d2 ≥ 85 nm), 30 s acquisition time per interferogram, ×128 zero filling, 17 cm−1 spectral resolution). Black arrows in c indicate the spectral peak shift...