FTIR技术就是利用上述原理,通过分析组织细胞各相应基团的分子振动变化来检测细胞的物质组成、结构域构象变化等生化指纹.在实际操作中,测量红外光谱中各谱带的峰位(P,peak position)、峰高(H,peak height)、峰强(I,peakintensity)、峰面积(A,peak area)以及半高宽(FWHM,fullwidth at half um)等指标并计算不同谱...
All spectra are normalized to the peak absorbance value of the internal standard (AIS, located at wavenumber 2120 cm−1). The normalized height of the soil samples’ main absorption peak (at 1035 cm−1) decreases steadily as the firing temperature is increased from 150 to 900 °C (see ...
Sorghum flour had three major FTIR active regions from 1800 to 800 cm(-1). As expected, FTIR spectra revealed that starch was the primary compound in sorghum flour, followed by protein with only minor amounts of lipids and phenolic acids. Phenolic acids were characterized by a peak at 1709...
红外光谱FTIR课件.ppt,吡嗪酰胺(抗结核病药) 丙二烯类 两个双键共用中间碳原子,耦合强烈,1600厘米-1无吸收,在2000-1915厘米-1和1100-1000厘米-1附近有不对称和对称伸缩振动,两峰相距900厘米-1,前者为中强峰,后者为弱峰。 芳香烃 振动类型 波数(cm-1) 说明 芳环C-H
Sorghum flour had three major FTIR active regions from 1800 to 800 cm1. As expected, FTIR spectra revealed that starch was the primary compound in sorghum flour, followed by protein with only minor amounts of lipids and phenolic acids. Phenolic acids were characterized by a peak at 1709 cm1...
Table 3. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy peak values of Calotropis procera. NoPeak (wave number cm −1)IntensityBondFunctional group assignmentRemark an assignment 1 3391 Weak broad O–H Hydroxyl group stretching vibrations of O–H bond in alcohols or phenols 2 2917 Strong C–H Alkane ...
In the biochars produced at 300 and 450 °C, a broad peak was formed at 1074 cm− 1. Show abstract Iron modified bentonite: Enhanced adsorption performance for organic pollutant and its regeneration by heterogeneous visible light photo-Fenton process at circumneutral pH 2016, Journal of ...
Infrared spectrum chart peak positions were basically the sameꎬ and the chemical composition were roughly the same. They were composed of carbohydrateꎬ proteinꎬ lipid and other biological molecular vibration spectrum band. From 1 800 to 1 000 cm~1 for second derivative conductionꎬ the ...
图4 甘油和甲醇的红外特征吸收峰Fig.4 Absorption peak of IR spectrum of glycerol and methanol 甘油初始浓度较大,采用培养开始时无甘油的培养基作为背景,选取甘油红外谱图中1 140~950 cm-1的波数范围,在0.5~50 g/L配置了28个不同浓度水平的甘油-培养基溶液,其中17个作为建模集,11个作为验证集;由于甲醇初...
of the ATR crystal area. This keeps the liquid from vaporizing when the sample chamber is depressurized and enables simple ATR measurements. The Si prism in the ATR accessory can provide a penetration depth of approximately 2 μm at 1000 cm -1 and approximately 10 μm at 200 cm -1....