9 3-4数据处理数据处理 1、 峰值检测 选择 Manipulation 1 (操作)Peaktable(峰表),设置参数如图: Noise(噪音)、Threshold(峰阈值)、Min Area(最小峰面积); 点击,各峰波数标在峰的旁边,选取峰数的多少,可通过改变 各参数值,如果对计算结果满意,点击 OK。峰表显示于 View页。点击 鼠标右键,通过选择,设置...
小的吸收峰出现,说明三尖杉木质素中有紫丁香基 表 2 7 种木材的红外光谱吸收峰归纳 Table 2 The absorption peaks of 7 species of softwoods 吸收峰特征波数/cm-1 Characteristic wavenumber of absorption peak 吸收峰归属分析 樟子松 柳杉 柏木 三尖杉 南方红豆杉 罗汉松 银杏 Attribution of Gingko Pinus ...
-1附 柴油 Fig.2 FAME和柴油的ATR光谱 Infrared spectra of FAME and petroleum diesel measured with a horizontal ATR attachment 固定池 水平 ATR Fig.3 用于定量的FAME峰 Peak region selected for calibration of FAME Table 1 相对固定池测定的各浓度的峰强度 Height of ester peak measured with a fixed ...
1. Introduction Characterized by wavelengths longer than the mid-infrared region, the far-infrared region is also referred to as the terahertz region. In recent years, this region has been used to evaluate crystal polymorphs for pharmaceuticals and semiconductor device materials, as well as for arch...
在 Mode 页选择 Date Proint Table ,点 Save 完成。 八. 衰减全反射附件介绍 简称 ATR) 又叫内反射光谱 光从光密介质进入光疏介 (一)原理和特点 衰减全反射光谱 (Attenuated Total Reflection Spectra (Internal Reflection 28、 Spectra) 。发生全发射须具备两个条件: 质时才可能发生全发射:入射角要大于临界...
Reach the peak of productivity Generate fast, reliable answers with less effort—even in busy, multi-user QC labs or teaching labs—with our compact, powerful FTIR spectrometers from the name you trust in FTIR: Nicolet. Today’s busy QA/QC an...