Webinar Roundtable Article: Microbial Characterization, Identification and Typing Using FTIR SpectroscopyBrochure: Nicolet Summit FTIR SpectrometerSelection Guide: Nicolet Spectrometer Selection GuideApplication Note: Streamlined FTIR analysis of dimethicone with OMNI...
Spectral library searching based on digital matching of spectral signatures is a highly effective way of performing qualitative identification of compounds. Because FTIR and Raman spectroscopic signatures are based on molecular functional ...
Table 3. Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy peak values of Calotropis procera. NoPeak (wave number cm −1)IntensityBondFunctional group assignmentRemark an assignment 1 3391 Weak broad O–H Hydroxyl group stretching vibrations of O–H bond in alcohols or phenols 2 2917 Strong C–H Alkane ...
For the peak analysis results shown in Figs.4and6, integration limits and baseline points are listed in Table1. Spectra were not pre-processed before integration; however, limits of integration were chosen to exclude the contribution of other urine components, and a suitable baseline was chosen t...
小的吸收峰出现,说明三尖杉木质素中有紫丁香基 表 2 7 种木材的红外光谱吸收峰归纳 Table 2 The absorption peaks of 7 species of softwoods 吸收峰特征波数/cm-1 Characteristic wavenumber of absorption peak 吸收峰归属分析 樟子松 柳杉 柏木 三尖杉 南方红豆杉 罗汉松 银杏 Attribution of Gingko Pinus ...
(5 种)分别聚在了一起ꎬ 在属级分类中ꎬ聚合度较好ꎬ吻合传统分类ꎮ 在距离 表 2 姜属植物在 1 200 ~ 1 000 cm~1的 红外二阶导数谱带的归属情况 Table 2 Band of second derivatives spectra assignments for Zingiber in 1 200-1 000 cm~1 振动峰位 Vibration peak position ( cm~1 ) 振动...
For every artifact, these Absorptivity Ratio Method findings are consistent with the independent estimates of firing temperature made via FTIR qualitative analysis (see Supplementary Table S3 online). Discussion Absorptivity ratio is related to both the firing temperature and the clay mineral content of ...
图21 169 ~1 180 cm-1峰位波数减去1 175 cm-1后的数值随PA6含量变化关系Fig. 2Relationship between wavenumber voluesof peak position of 1 169-1 180 cm-1after subtracting 1 175 cm-1and change in PA6 content 对结果进...
This was Table 2 The activated sludge isolates...Possibilities and limits of an online coupling of thin-layer chromatography and FT-IR spectroscopy - Glauninger, Kovar, et al. - 1990 () Citation Context ...ted Kingdom) equipped with a mercurycadmium-telluride detector cooled with liquid N 2...
The resultant predictive calibration was significantly improved because the R2 values for the model statistics increased from 0.782 to 0.823 for calibration, and from 0.666 to 0.734 for cross validation (Table 1). Correspondingly, root mean square errors also decreased for both calibration and cross ...