9 3-4数据处理数据处理 1、 峰值检测 选择 Manipulation 1 (操作)Peaktable(峰表),设置参数如图: Noise(噪音)、Threshold(峰阈值)、Min Area(最小峰面积); 点击,各峰波数标在峰的旁边,选取峰数的多少,可通过改变 各参数值,如果对计算结果满意,点击 OK。峰表显示于 View页。点击 鼠标右键,通过选择,设置...
选择Manipulation1(操作)>Peaktable(峰表),设置参数如图: Noise(噪音)、Threshold(峰阈值)、MinArea(最小峰面积); 点击,各峰波数标在峰的旁边,选取峰数的多少,可通过改变 各参数值,如果对计算结果满意,点击OK。峰表显示于View页。点击 鼠标右键,通过选择,设置是否显示峰表。
For the peak analysis results shown in Figs. 4 and 6, integration limits and baseline points are listed in Table 1. Spectra were not pre-processed before integration; however, limits of integration were chosen to exclude the contribution of other urine components, and a suitable baseline was ch...
Full spectral processing and analysis tools (baseline correction, spectra math, peak area, peak height, etc.) Quantification prediction for Beer’s Law, PLS, CLS, etc. Multiple project windows and multi-monitor support Contamination analysis
生物柴油(混合新新物)的FTIR分析解析 生物柴油(混合物)的FTIR分析 Analysis of Biodiesel blends by FTIR 岛津制作所 生物柴油燃料是以来自生物的油脂为原料制造的柴油发动机用燃料,有利于防止地球变暖而引人注目,在世界各国实用化不断取得进展。生物柴油燃料的制造过程是将油脂甲酯化,去除丙三醇,转化为...
XRD和FTIR对沸石合成机制的光谱学解析.pdf,第32卷,第4期 光谱学与光谱分析 2 01 and 2年4月 SpectroscopySpectralAnalysis April,2012 XRD和FTIR对沸石合成机制的光谱学解析 范春辉,马宏瑞,花莉 陕西科技大学资源与环境学院,陕西西安710021 摘要以粉煤灰为原料,采用
1(C) that the chocolate adulterated with lard shows almost similar functionality and peak pattern as compared to pure lard oil, which confirmed the presence of lard adulteration in these chocolate samples. However, the adulterated chocolate was palm oil based therefore, the comparative FTIR spectra ...
生物柴油混合物的ft i r分析analysis of biodiesel blends by ftir岛津制作所生物柴油燃料是以来自生物的油脂为原料制造的柴油发动机用燃料,有利于防止地球变暖而引人注目,在世界各国实用化不断取得进展。生物柴