Spectroscopy, elemental, and isotope analysis resource library Access a targeted collection of application notes, case studies, videos, webinars and white papers covering a range of applications for Fourier Transform infrared spectro...
Thermo Scientific software and library offerings are designed to help you streamline your analysis, enhance your collaboration, and identify your samples more effectively. Read about our software Enhance your FTIR analysis Find out how FTIR can be combin...
Infrared spectra library. IR spectra. FTIR spectra database chemicals, polymers, pharmaceutical, drugs, forensic, hazardous, explosives, pesticides
Advanced library search functions include spectral search, text search, compound search, and peak search. Employing Shimadzu's unique search algorithms for a high hit quality. Macro Functions Provide Automation and Labor-Savings A simple macro function allows the user to execute multiple ...
However, this technique could not have been fully utilized due to the lack of a reference IR spectral library/database. In light of this, the present study aimed to develop the FTIR spectral library for Asian elephant ivory. We collected eight Asian elephant ivory ( n =8) samples from our...
FDM Raman Inorganics FDM Raman Essential Oils FDM Raman Dyes FDM Raman BTEX Mixtures Library Bundles Fiveash Data Management, Inc. 1250 Femrite Dr., Suite 202 Madison, WI 53716 USA Phone: (608) 236-9145 Email: sales@fdmspectra.com...
modulated IR beam. The specimen'stransmittanceandreflectanceof theinfrared raysat different frequencies is translated into an IR absorption plot consisting of reverse peaks. The resulting FTIR spectral pattern is then analyzed and matched with known signatures of identified materials in the FTIR library....
Overlay of the FTIR spectrum with the best library search match of a standard Nylon Although typically a qualitative tool for material identification, FTIR analysis can also be used as a quantitative tool to quantify specific functional groups, when the chemistry is understood and standard reference ...
DOI:10.1002/anie.202116930 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ange.202116930 同步辐射丨球差电镜丨FIB-TEM 原位XPS、原位XRD、原位Raman、原位FTIR 加急测试 朱老师 158 7177 4683 学研汇是全球科研服务创新平台,长期致力于科研测试技术服务。基于国内外顶级科研单位和仪器公司的商业资源,以及数千名科技顾...
FTIRsearch.com/RAMANsearch.com is a unique web site dedicated to providing analytical chemists with on-line access to high quality FTIR and Raman spectral libraries. Spectral library searching has long been an extraordinarily valuable tool in the analytical chemist's toolbox. However, not everyone ...