FTIR spectra analysis Spectral library searching has long been an extraordinarily valuable tool in the analytical chemist's toolbox. Thermo Scientific’s extensive series of spectral libraries includes information specific to applicati...
FTIR spectra analysis Spectral library searching has long been an extraordinarily valuable tool in the analytical chemist's toolbox. Thermo Scientific’s extensive series of spectral libraries includes information specific to applicati...
https: //onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/anie.202116668 同步辐射丨球差电镜丨FIB-TEM 原位XPS、原位XRD、原位Raman、原位FTIR 加急测试 朱老师 158 7177 4683 学研汇是全球科研服务创新平台,长期致力于科研测试技术服务。基于国内外顶级科研单位和仪器公司的商业资源,以及数千名科技顾问,为全球科研人员提供...
Yonggang Wang et al. Sodium-Ion Battery with a Wide Operation-Temperature Range from -70 to 100 °C. Angewandte Chemie. 2022. DOI:10.1002/anie.202116930 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ange.202116930 同步辐射丨球差电镜丨FIB-TEM 原位XPS、原位XRD、原位Raman、原位FTIR 加急测试 朱老...
FTIRsearch.com/RAMANsearch.com is a unique web site dedicated to providing analytical chemists with on-line access to high quality FTIR and Raman spectral libraries. Spectral library searching has long been an extraordinarily valuable tool in the analytical chemist's toolbox. However, not everyone ...
Multi-component quantitative software; H2O/CO2 automatic compensation software, infrared assistant software, spectrum comparison software, intelligent search software, interactive chemical structure analysis software; can search the international authoritative SADTLER library; 7. Optional smart diamond and zinc ...
The thermal degradation of poly( N -vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) (PVP) was studied by dynamic thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) in the range 200-600°C under nitrogen and oxygen atmospheres at various heating rates. The apparent activation energy of the degradative process was determined by the application...
We searched the IR and MS spectral data with a specially designed solid phase FTIR library that contained a wide range of spectral properties such as absorption, spectral resolution and sensitivity, as well as the presence of drug additives and excitants in the spectral spectrum. This has proven...
You perform library searches often; every sample you analyze needs to be verified. You always search a single library or certain class of materials. You need more control over your search results and spectra such as the ability to use them in data manipulations or in reports. Your company wil...
Can measure up to 40% of H2O mixture, permanent storage spectrum library, after the factory gas components calibration, no calibration again; Response time: T90<12s The whole heating, constant temperature control Can be automatically temperature and pressure compensation, easy...