Included library/reference spectra 850 5,000 10,000 User Interface USB External PC USB External PC Integrated Windows 10 Computer Integrated Windows 10 Computer Wi-Fi enabled ✓ ✓ Touchscreen available ✓ Internal motorized aperture ✓ ...
Included library/reference spectra 850 5,000 10,000 User Interface USB External PC USB External PC Integrated Windows 10 Computer Integrated Windows 10 Computer Wi-Fi enabled ✓ ✓ Touchscreen available ✓ Internal motorized aperture ✓ ...
In light of this, the present study aimed to develop the FTIR spectral library for Asian elephant ivory. We collected eight Asian elephant ivory (n = 8) samples from our institute repository and recorded the FTIR spectrum. Further, based on the biochemical composition of ivory, we identified ...
Infrared spectra library. IR spectra. FTIR spectra database chemicals, polymers, pharmaceutical, drugs, forensic, hazardous, explosives, pesticides
1. Spectrum 400/100/100N/65/One/NTS支持“比较”和“搜索”功能 2. Spectrum 100 Optica支持“比较”和“搜索”功能 3. Spectrum 100支持和“搜索”功能和“FAME生物柴油”分析(ASTM D7371和EN 14078) 请选择与所需用途相应的安装类型 “宏”允许您将一系列处理步骤(例如基线修正、标准化、平滑等)合并为一...
Full version of NICODOM Libraries (paid version) is searchable digital FTIR spectral library compatible with your spectroscopic software. NICODOM IR Polymers All Packageallows you to identify your spectrum of an unknown polymer in a few seconds. ...
The article about the Introduction to the Spectrum Advisor can be used on all Shimadzu FTIR systems controlled by LabSolutions IR. Learn the key points of infrared spectral analysis for aliphatic unsaturated hydrocarbons and aromatics. OTHERS
Data Compare is standard for comparing a measured spectrum with a custom spectral library. Wiley “KnowItAll® Informatics System, JASCO Edition” with a library of 12,000 chemical and polymer spectra is standard (except LE versions) and with 3 month access to the entire spectral library data...
This repository showcases a database of 10,000 generated IR spectrum samples of leukemia cases (N=5000) and healthy controls (N=5000). Only the fingerprint region (1800 cm^-1 to 850 cm^-1 at 4 cm^-1 resolution) was considered. ...
公式和宏 20 6.1 公式Equations 20 6.2 宏Macros 22 Spectrum 10软件常用操作指南 Spectrum 简介 Spectrum是全新的红外光谱仪软件包,它基于微软 32 位和 64 位操作系统开发,其设计目的是使红外光谱的收集和分析功能易学、易用、灵活、高效。 这些功能包括: ? 支持 Spectrum 400、 Spectrum 100、Spectrum 100N、...