Advanced library search functions include spectral search, text search, compound search, and peak search. Employing Shimadzu's unique search algorithms for a high hit quality. Macro Functions Provide Automation and Labor-Savings A simple macro function allows the user to execute multiple ...
Infrared spectra library. IR spectra. FTIR spectra database chemicals, polymers, pharmaceutical, drugs, forensic, hazardous, explosives, pesticides
Fourier transformation (FT) is a mathematical procedure that is applied to the interferograms to obtain the spectrum. Essentially, FT breaks down the interferogram provided by the interferometer into sine waves for each wavelength in the light. These sine waves are arranged over the wavelength to ...
Cary 670 和 Cary 680 FTIR 的设计旨在为聚合物/材料、制药、生物技术和化学制品等领域的研究者提供高的分析性能。 点击下列链接获取免费资料下载此资料 安捷伦 CARY 600 系列 FTIR 免费下载 ...
乙烯/四氟乙烯共混物(ETFE)基电缆料的热重分析(TGA)呈现两个失重台阶。在270℃的第一个台阶的DTG曲线的峰非常明显;在420℃分解过程较小。联用红外分析(FTIR)表明,第一个失重显示了腈基(2300-2200 cm-1)的存在;第二个失重台阶表明氟化烷(1500-1000 cm-1)的存
The product includes evaluation software with functions for setting measurement conditions, acquiring and saving data, drawing graphs, and so on. Furthermore, the dynamic link library (DLL) function specifications are disclosed, so users can create their original measurement software programs. ...
Japan library 应用报告 Cora 5001 and Lyza 3000/7000 with Spectroscopy Suite | Brochure 手册 了解更多信息 相似产品 FTIR 葡萄酒分析仪:Lyza 5000 Wine 紧凑型拉曼光谱仪:Cora 5001 FTIR 在用油分析:Lyza 7000 油品分析方法包 软件 光谱分析软件:AP Spectroscopy Suite 兼容: FTIR 红外光谱仪:Lyza...
无可匹敌,灵敏,灵活 安捷伦 CARY 600 系列 FTIR 安捷伦 CARY 600 系列 FTIR 安捷伦科技是您分子光谱领域的最佳资源和合作伙伴.随着世界著名的 Cary 产品线的加入,安捷伦能够为您提 供包括傅里叶红外光谱仪,紫外-可见-近红外和荧光分光光度计在内的全方位分子光谱解决方案. 自成体系 安捷伦 Cary 600 系列 FTIR ...
Available from: Accessed 3 Oct 2020 Gigault J, ter Halle A, Baudrimont M, Pascal P-Y, Gauffre F, Phi T-L, et al. Current opinion: what is a nanoplastic? Environ Pollut. 2018;235:1030–4. CAS PubMed Google Scholar Hartmann...
20、置文件,其中第一行"LibraryPath=''后面输入参比文件的文件地址,退出保存,重新启动Calcmet软件,参比文件的文件地址就已经配置好了。5.2.2 配置模拟量输出板卡PCI-6208A首先安装PCI-6208板卡的驱动程序,安装方法见板卡随机光盘。驱动程序安装好后,点击“Tools">“Configuration",选择"IOcards"标签页面,点击“Configur...