Infrared spectra library. IR spectra. FTIR spectra database chemicals, polymers, pharmaceutical, drugs, forensic, hazardous, explosives, pesticides
Comprehensive Forensic FT-IR Collection Library Listing – 4,286 spectra This extensive library contains materials not only of forensic interest but also for general problem solving and identification of unknown substances in industry and academia. The wide range of items include drugs, clandestine lab...
Sigma-Aldrich 傅里叶变换红外光谱库是由德国 Merck KGaA Darmstadt 公司在 Sigma-Aldrich* 实验室开发的世界一流的、全面的新傅里叶变换红外光谱库。新光谱库包含 11000 多种纯化合物和 11250 多条光谱记录,并分配了 Sigma-Aldrich 目录号,方便快速准确地从 Sigma-Aldrich 订购标准品。
The spectra were measured from pressed samples of the fibers using a SpectraScope accessory on a Thermo Scientific FT-IR spectrometer. The spectra were acquired at 2 cm-1digital resolution and then mathematically deresolved when converted to Thermo Scientific Omnic library format. The spectra are li...
4.14单击 “Analyze ”,选“library setup ” 显示吸收图谱库。在吸收图谱库的标准对照图谱库中选择相应产品的相应标准对照图谱,点击“add”,在右框中选择该图谱,点击“search”,仪器自动将样品的图谱与所选的对照标准图谱对比,要求匹配率达到90%以上。
The Sigma-Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra is a world-class, comprehensive collection of new FT-IR spectra sourced from the laboratories of Sigma-Aldrich* by Merck KGaA Darmstadt, Germany.
2、记录各个组分参数的量程及模拟量输出通道 3、查看电脑中CALCMET软件的版本:点击菜单Help里面的About calcmet 4、将分析仪表拆下,更换上新的分析仪表,接好气路及通迅电缆,并将仪表上电运行 5、在随分析仪表的CD光盘中,将新更换的分析仪表的库文件(在Original Calibrations and Test Data---CalcmetLibrary ...
Carbon dioxide, 1,4-cyclohexanediol, and isomeric hexadienes were thus detected and identified by comparison of their vibrational spectra with those of pure compounds in the spectral library. Some mechanistic implications are discussed.doi:10.1080/10601329408545770Schild, H. G....
TheTICTACspectral library for drug analysis contains traditional as well as newly introduced drugs and illegal substances. Because the ALPHA can be quickly moved between operation sites, it is a great tool for governmental institutions like police, border control, or those deal that with ...
Download PDF | View PDF | + Add to library | Keywords Export | Email | Rating 11Citations 0Altmetric 17Article access Article metricsAbstract We have combined the use of atomic force microscopy (AFM) and micro-attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared (micro-ATR-FT-IR) ...