Recipes for Autumn Recipes for Spring Recipes for Summer Recipes for Winter Tonics & Teas Vegan TAG CLOUD anti-inflammatory foodsAyurvedaAyurveda CookingAyurveda Pitta-reducingAyurvedic cookingAyurvedic DetoxAyurvedic mealsayurvedic recipesChristmasdairy freeDetoxdetoxificationfoods for vata doshaGluten-free Recipe...
should form the basis of your diet. The recipes on this site are therefore, whole food, plant-based, and mostly gluten-free. There are many, many Vegan recipes here, too; however, Ayurvedic nourishment has traditionally included ghee for its cooling, tonifying benefits. Look for the post,Are...
Turkey dark1-1-1 Veal111 Chicken white-111 Rabbit-111 Venison-111 Turkey white-111 Buffalo11-1 Fish Cod111 Halibut-11-1 Herring1-11 Plaice1-11 Salmon1-1-1 Sardine1-1-1 Sole-111 Trout11-1 Tuna1-1-1 A Freshwater111 A Sea1-1-1 ...
Here is an easy one that works for every dosha. Red Quinoa with Endive and Cranberries Quinoa is a little drying and is great for kapha and pitta. Vata can enjoy this recipe with the modification noted. Makes 2 servings Tips In place of the red quinoa, you could use half red and half...
This practice is very calming to Vata dosha and prevents the buildup of so many digestive disturbances. Having had poor digestion for many years prior to learning Ayurveda, I can see the dramatic difference that slowing down, eating mindfully, and following my food consumption with the practice ...
It’s especially beneficial for those within the kapha dosha; with a host of fiery spices that will speed up a sluggish digestive system, increase detoxification and weight loss. If you’re pitta, you’re fiery enough; so omit the chillies, reduce the quantities of spices by half and replac...
Vayu (also known as Vata)is an impulse principle that manages the nervous system and is made of air and ether. Characteristics of the vayu-dosha person: tall and lean, talkative, shifting mind, earthy skin, hairy, prefer hot and oily dishes, tend to be constipated, love to travel, enjoy...
Vata Doshadietdietary supplementherbRasayanagheeParkinson’s diseaseAlzheimer’s diseaseAyurveda is a comprehensive system of natural healthcare that originated in the ancient Vedic times of India. Translated as the 'Science of Life,' Ayurveda's primary emphasis is prevention of disease and maintenance...
Here is an easy one that works for every dosha. Red Quinoa with Endive and Cranberries Quinoa is a little drying and is great for kapha and pitta. Vata can enjoy this recipe with the modification noted. Makes 2 servings Tips In place of the red quinoa, you could use half red and half...
In Ayurvedic perspectives in integrative healthcare, nutritional suggestions for meal preparation are subjective to the assigned dosha and the healthcare and lifestyle needs of the person. Individual foods from all food groups are either compatible or forbidden with respect to vata,pittaand kapha. ...