THE NEED TO produce more food sustainably has become a major issue around the globe. A UK report published earlier this year focuses on the world's ability to feed a growing population with diminishing resources and presents several solutions. The Global Food and Farming Futures project, ...
Global Food and Farming FuturesDOI: 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 相似文献Weight gain and quality of meat of broilers in relation to the source of dietary protein. For 8 ...
The Crop Protection Association has welcomed this week's launch of the Global Food and Farming Futures Foresight report in highlighting the urgency of the ... This report highlights the need for institutional changes that would benefit women within food systems globally, as consumers, producers, ent...
We are seeing signs of this already in agri-food policy discourse, including scenarios related to food and farming futures post-Brexit. Academic representations of Brexit and agriculture are also mostly futures-orientated. This is important analysis; however, Brexit processes are active now, rather ...
Food Futures is a triad of Art, Science, and Technology that speculates on the future of our food production, consumption, and distribution models by 2050.
Final project report, London (research commissioned by the Foresight Global Food and Farming Futures Project of the UK Government Google Scholar The Montpellier Panel (2013) Sustainable intensification: a new paradigm for African agriculture, London Google Scholar The National Food Security Act (2013...
Improvements in farming systems and food supply will come from: increased production efficiencies per unit land area or per unit input of key components such as water or fertilizer; from less negative impact on local and global environments, allowing sustainable biodiversity goals to be integrated wit...
Engineering advances for input reduction and systems management to meet the challenges of global food and farming futures Improvements in farming systems and food supply will come from: increased production efficiencies per unit land area or per unit input of key components su... DAY,W. - 《Journ...
Foresight Project on Global Food and Farming Futures. London: The Government Office for Science. Google Scholar Wakai, K., Dillon, D. S., Ohno, Y., et al. (2000). Fat intake and breast cancer risk in an area where fat intake is low: a case–control study in Indonesia. ...
Innovative concepts like integrated farming systems with diversified crop rotations17,18have emerged to address these food production and environmental sustainability challenges. These systems offer a range of food crops to meet consumer demand for plant-based, healthy food19—an increasing dietary trend ...