serumOral administration of fluorescein isothiocyanate dextran (FITC-d) has been used as an indicator for intestinal permeability in poultry research for several years. Under healthy conditions, tight junctions in the intestinal wall will not allow the 4-6kDa FITC-d to enter the bloodstream. ...
FITC/cy3/cy3.5/cy5荧光标记紫杉醇Taxol/盐酸阿霉素ADR/卡培他滨/氟尿嘧啶荧光标记紫杉醇药物 产品名称:荧光素FITC标记喜树碱 英文名称:FITC-Camptothecin 英文别称:FITC-CPT 供应商:重庆新维创 产品名称:荧光染料CY7标记喜树碱 英文名称:CY7-Camptothecin 英文别称:CY7-CPT 产品名称:荧光染料CY7标记紫杉醇 ...
The Effect of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor on Intestinal Permeability: FITC-Dextran Serum Measurement and Transmission Electron MicroscopyFITC-dextranIntestinal permeabilityMacrophage migration inhibitory factorTransmission electron microscopyMacrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) is a molecule with ...