FGF1 and FGF2 Induced FGFR3 Dimerization in Plasma Membrane Derived VesiclesIAPPmembrane modelsanle138bamyloid inhibitorBiosynthesis of metal clusters for the nitrogenase component proteins NifH and NifDK involves electron donation events. Yet, electron donors specific to the biosynthetic pathways of the...
L. et al. Associations with growth factor genes (FGF1, FGF2, PDGFB, FGFR2, NRG2, EGF, ERBB2) with breast cancer risk and survival: The Breast Cancer Health Disparities Study. Breast cancer research and treatment 140, 587-601, doi:10.1007/ s10549-013-2644-5 (2013)....
Increased expression of Fgf1, Fgf2, Fgfrs and Egr-1 in Hyp osteocytic cells.Kazuaki, MiyagawaMiwa, YamazakiMasanobu, KawaiJin, NishinoTakao, KoshimizuYasuhisa, OhataKanako, TachikawaYuko, MikuniTakagakiMikihiko, KogoKeiichi, Ozono
We found that the compound NCTU-Alan-2026 blocked the interaction between the two proteins FGF1 and FGF1R2D2 and inhibited cell proliferation. The toxicity of NCTU-Alan-2026 is lower than that of suramin. Thus, NCTU-Alan-2026 could be a better drug than suramin in the treatment of cancer....
Biochemistry X-ray crystallographic studies of synaptotagmin 1-C2AhFGFR2-D2 and complex of hFGFR2-D2|FGF1|SOS UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS GuoFeiThis research focused on three different protein complexes in the FGF non-classical secretion pathway and FGF signaling activation. Synaptotagmin I (Syt1), ...
The effect of flotillin 1 and 2 depletion on endocytosis of FGF1 in cells expressing FGFR1 or FGFR3.Ellen Margrethe HaugstenMalgorzata ZakrzewskaAndreas BrechSascha PustSjur OlsnesKirsten SandvigJørgen Wesche
Hristova, Effect of the achondroplasia mutation on FGFR3 dimer- ization and FGFR3 structural response to fgf1 and fgf2: A quantitative FRET study in osmotically derived plasma membrane vesicles, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1858 (2016) 1436-1442, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbamem.2016.03.027....