01.-Downloading-SRA-Toolkit 02.-Installing-SRA-Toolkit 03.-Quick-Toolkit-Configuration Fasterq-dump is the successor to the older fastq-dump tool, but faster. However: it is not a drop-in replacement, options and defaults are different. The tool has one mandatory argument: the accession. exam...
The conversion happens in multiple steps, depending on the internal type of the accession. You will see either 2 or 3 progress bars after each other. The full output with progress-bars for a cSRA-accession like SRR341578 looks like this: lookup :|--- 100.00% merge : 13255208 join :|-...
() : processed lookup rows: 0 of 1 2020-08-31T15:42:12 fasterq-dump.2.10.8 err: sorter.c execute_lookup_production() -> RC(rcVDB,rcNoTarg,rcConstructing,rcSize,rcInvalid) 2020-08-31T15:42:12 fasterq-dump.2.10.8 err: fasterq-dump.c produce_lookup_files() -> RC(rcVDB,rcNoTarg...
I am trying to download files from project GEO series GSE132044. From what I can tell, most (if not all) of the associated runs are paired-end with multiple fastq files deposited, but I only get a single fastq file every single time. For...