Format: FASTQ (default) or FASTA Basecall-anchored modified base scores are also available in hts-spec BAM format tags (--outputs mod_basecalls). Mappings Format: SAM, BAM (default), or CRAM A tab-separated mapping text summary is also produced including per-read alignment statistics. ...
In addition to BWA, this self-consistent package also comes with bwa-associated and 3rd-party tools for proper BAM-to-FASTQ conversion, mapping to ALT contigs, adapter triming, duplicate marking, HLA typing and associated data files. Seeking help The detailed usage is described in the man page...
1) using bioconda: conda install -c bioconda seqtk, 2) using brew on a MAC: brew install seqtk, and 3) source code: obtain source code from the GitHub repository and compile it. The following examples explains how to use seqtk subseq to extract the sequences from FASTA/FASTQ files....
The raw sequencing data (FASTQ files) were subjected to a quality control using the FASTQC package ( and subsequently were aligned against the human genome (hg19 assembly) using Hisat2 ( with...
A function to extract pair end reads from the bam file generated with subread functionRaffaele A Calogero
A sorted bam fileprocess_bam(bamfile, threads) A standard fastq fileprocess_fastq_plain(fastqfile, 'threads') A fastq file with metadata from MinKNOW or Albacoreprocess_fastq_rich(fastqfile) A sequencing_summary file generated by Albacoreprocess_summary(sequencing_summary.txt, 'readtype') ...
bwa mem -5SP contigs.fasta.gz hic_paired.fastq.gz | \ samtools view -F 0x904 -bS - | \ samtools sort -o hic2ctg.bam - bin3C analysis We have split bin3C into two primary stages. mkmap: Create a contact map cluster: Clustering the contact map (genome binning) 4. Create a conta...
(PRRSV) infection is limited. Therefore, in the present study, we aimed to detect significant genes and pathways involved in CS extract supplementation responsiveness of PBMCs after PRRSV infection. RNA sequencing was conducted on PBMCs, which were isolated from six weaned piglets. The resultant ...
Will output FASTQ if QUAL information available, otherwise FASTA. Other Options: -a --acceptDupMarks Accept duplicate marks already in input file instead of looking for duplicates in the input. -e --excludeDups Exclude reads marked as duplicates from discordant, splitter, and/or unmapped file. ...