legacy_government用于定义初始政体修正。仅用于无达摩DLC的游戏;(具体参考1.26之前的政体机制)(1.30及以后版本已经将政府改革移动入本体不再需要达摩dlc即可使用改革,此项可不用再写) exclusive_reforms用于设定政体相关的特殊政府改革。列出当中相互排斥的改革项,此设定可以有多个。
$CONTROLLERNAME$ 省份 显示root省份控制者的名称(围城胜利者) England $COUNTRY$ 国家 显示root国的名称 France $COUNTRY_ADJ$ 国家 显示root国的名称形容词格 French $COUNTRY_RELIGION$ 国家 显示root国的国教 Catholic $CULTGROUP$ 文化组,不确定是否可用于事件中 $CULTURE$ 国家 显示root国的主流文化 ...
before handing you over to @Ofaloaf who will have more than a few words to say about the Dutch. I’ll also show you a few new government reforms just for fun.
How Government Reforms seem poorly designed, and how I think, they can be improved. (Partially incorrect) My Shinto Incidents Event chains' guide Stellaris: How no events in Stellaris make the game seem boring and repetitive About the Galactic and Local Markets making economy too simple to manag...
- The description for the achievement "One night in Paris" now correctly states that you need to start as England.- Unrest province alert sorts provinces by unrest.- Modifier on trade node power will no longer display a date of expiry when there is no definite duration.- Vassals that are...
Reform the Administration gen_hre_republic_reform_government Invade Novgorod invade_novgorod_mission Conquer Novgorod subjugate_novgorod Consolidate Russia consolidate_russia_mission Liberate Ruthenia russia_partitions_poland_new Conquer Finland conquer_finland Window on the West access_to_the_baltic_sea Tame ...
Due to modders request, the new government reforms have been sorted into the government_reforms_monarchies and government_reforms_tribes files. 脚本 决议 允许没有齐米阶层的穆斯林国家通过新增决议获取之,该决议将取代the Brahmins with the Dhimmi in case of an Indian country taking this decision. 作为...
Forming Mughals no longer require to be reformed, but instead it requires 500 development and then reforms you. Reforming government for a steppe horde now gives you the Iqta government type if muslim or having a muslim secondary religion. ...
Switch government type through government reforms. 民粹主义政府 民粹政府 通过政府改革改变政府类型。通过实施政府改革改变你的政府类型。 通过政府改革转换政府类型。 274 achievement_maharana_pratap 无 Maharana Pratap NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_23_NAME Start as Mewar and field an army of 20 Rajput regiments....
Fixed super old bug of government interface being borked when having Dutch Republic. Parliament window is closed if opened when parliament is removed. Will show the full effect of what happens when you revoke an estate now. The murdering of the king's wife and son when enacting government/r...