government_rank = 1 government = tribal add_government_reform = tribal_kingdom primary_culture = nubian religion = shiite technology_group = east_african unit_type = sub_saharan capital = 1228 # Dongola 这是其中一个文件里 可以修改国家首都 国家科技组 国家文化 宗教 政府类型等 4province 文件这个...
government = monarchy add_government_reform = feudalism_reform 重商主义 决定国家初始的重商主义。 mercantilism = 10 科技组 决定国家初始的科技组,科技组列表可以参考游戏原版或者mod里的/Europa Universalis IV/common/technology.txt文件。 technology_group = western ...
add_government_reform = autocracy_reform }如果:{ 仅限于:{ has_heir = yes } set_heir_religion = ROOT } 如果:{ 仅限于:{ has_regency = no } set_ruler_religion = ROOT } 如果:{ 仅限于:{ 有DLC = "Rights of Man" has_consort = yes } set_consort_religion = ROOT } 如果:{...
potential = {major = yesNOT = { has_country_modifier = kaixinlalala } //另一个自己写的永久bufftag = ENG }allow = {is_at_war = no}effect = {add_government_reform = austrian_dual_monarchy //改政体}add_prestige = 25ai_will_do = {factor = 0}}} 回复 2楼2021-08-24 09:42 ...
NOT = { government = native }NOT = { has_reform = cossacks_reform }NOT = { has_reform = siberian_tribe } #这个下删掉了天朝政体限制NOT = { has_government_attribute = is_pirate_republic_reform }is_nomad = nois_colonial_nation = noNOT = { has_reform = revolutionary_empire_reform }}...
Syntax: add_manpower = x (x = +-0..1) 增减国家的后备兵源 add_legitimacy (legitimacy) Scope: country Syntax: add_legitimacy = x 增减国家统治者的正统性 set_capital (capital) Scope: country Syntax: set_capital = 迁都到指定id的省份 change_government (government) Scope: country Syntax: chang...
The ID for the Administrative Reform parliamentary issue is 'administrative_reform'. As a result, the above console command would add the Administrative Reform issue to parliament. add_issue offices_to_vassals This command would add the "Create Offices for Vassal Nobles" issue to parliament (issue...
add_reformlevel [<数值> 可选] 实行帝国改革项目。 add_republican_tradition [<数值> 可选] [<国家代码> 可选] 获得共和传统。 1.30 add_to_curia_treasury [<money>] 增加教廷金库的总金额。 人权add_trait [<特质代码>, <heir> 可选, <consort> 可选] 为君主/继承人/君主配偶增加君主特质。 注意...
The Crusader State government reform (and legacy government) is exclusive to a Catholic Jerusalem and enables the Crusade and Cleansing of Heresy CBs, as well as giving a bonus to manpower recovery speed. It is available to both monarchies and theocracies. You can also create Custom Nations ...
政府机制、能力和互动按钮现在完全可以编写脚本(参见 /government_mechanics/readme.txt)tribal_allegiance 现在是政府能力,所以 tribal_allegiance 是每年一次。 添加了自定义政府属性“统治者拥有后宫”,现在可用所有与后宫相关的事件。 将所有阶层特权从一个文件分成几个文件——现在每个阶层一个文件。 现在能够调整决议...