第一个改动属于行政容量Governing Capacity重做和政府改革进度Government Reform Progress小幅重做的一部分。我们进行了调整,让切换同一级的政府改革不再导致10点腐败度,而会花费政府改革进度。 扩大行政部门花费20点改革进度来获得以下效果:扩大行政部门花费:+20%行政容量:+20 Now to the new feature that will be in...
建议直接去游戏文件里面改,common-government_reforms-01_gevernnent_reforms_monarchies。打开文档,查找pru,找到普鲁士君主制下government_capacity_modifier=0.5那一行,把0.5改成你想要的数字。或者直接去common-static_modifier文档里,在对应难度下加入governing_capacity=9999 来自iPhone客户端15楼2020-08-31 21:53 收起...
这让政府改革一以贯之地增长,也让改革等级提高之后的政府改革的持续进行更加容易了。 Government Capacity 行政容量 Along with the above change, we also decided that we could make Reform Progress Growth even more strategic, by adding a malus to Administrative Efficiency if being over the Government Capac...
Has at least 250 Government reform progress saved up 拥有至少 3 个政府改革 不是: 制定了「科举制度」政府改革 拥有至少 45% 王冠领地所有权 稳定度至少为 +3 省份西安 (700): 我国拥有该省份 如果: 仅限于: 不是: 拥有宗教融合与 (未识别的字符串“pagan”用于 Template:Icon) 原始宗教 不是:...
Has at least 150 Government reform progress saved up 如果: 仅限于: DLC Mandate of Heaven已激活 是中国皇帝 否则: 潜在效果: 如果: 仅限于: 至少有下述 4 项成立: 所有盟友: 对 我国的观点至少为 +150 Has at least 70 trust with 我国 所有盟友: 仅限于: 对 我国的观点至少为 +150 Ha...
reformprogressreformprogress [amount] [country tag]This console command adds the specified amount of Government reform progress to the country with the specified country tag. If you don't specify a country tag as the second argument, this command will appy to the country that you are playing as...
cb_change_government – 政体战争 cb_forced_break_alliance – 强迫断绝盟约 cb_force_tributary - Force Tributary State cb_hundred_years_union - Force Union cb_humiliate_rotw – 羞辱死敌 cb_conquest – 征服 cb_core – 收复核心领土 cb_independence_war – 独立战争 ...
reform_progress_growth正当化贸易争端耗时 monthly_piety每月虔诚(正负看需求) same_culture_advisor_cost统治者同文化顾问花费 max_revolutionary_zeal革命热情最大值 monarch_lifespan国家首领(和谐)平均寿命 yearly_patriarch_authority年度牧首权威 church_loyalty_modifier ...
添加了 unfreeze_government_power = { mechanic_type = <government_mechanic_id> power_type = <government_power_type_id> } #政府机制能力点数可以再次改变。 添加了 add_rebel_progress = { (rebel_type = <rebel type>) value = <int> } #给指定的叛军类型增加反叛进度, 如果未定义反叛类型,则将进度...
This government is the default reform AI picks, making them a lot less likely to become a proper government。 Reduced tribal 发展度 growth, the growth will be now reduced by current tribal 发展度。 Replacing the 政府改革 "Settle Down" will now cause a Stab Hit。 The 政府改革 "Settle Down...