每一个政府类型都可以随意命名,比如你可以用my_gov_type = { }取代monarchy = { }来命名。 此政体在代码中可以使用触发器government =来检查。 参考如下格式: <name> = { basic_reform = <reform> color = { <red> <green> <blue> } reform_levels = { <name> = { reforms = { <reform> } }...
在government_reforms文件夹里打开01_government_reforms_monarchies.txt,搜索celestial_empire_legacy,{}里的就是关于天朝政体的信息了。 如图 那么这些是什么意思呢? allow_normal_conversion = no(是否允许转换政体) legacy_government = yes(是否是世袭制国家) monarchy = yes(是否是君主制国家) icon = "crown"(...
government = monarchy add_government_reform = feudalism_reform 重商主义 决定国家初始的重商主义。 mercantilism = 10 科技组 决定国家初始的科技组,科技组列表可以参考游戏原版或者mod里的/Europa Universalis IV/common/technology.txt文件。 technology_group = western ...
Last week's development diary showcased the monarchy government reforms and today I want to give an update in that regard. 上周的开发日志展示了君主制政府的改革,今天我想介绍一下这方面的最新情况。 Many of the new reforms and changes to old reforms adjusted absolutism for monarchies which was not...
gain +3 development in Pest and Bratislava. "Multicultural Empire", the next mission, has similar conditions, but requires you to achieve them in a multitude of non-German provinces. Your reward is to gain the option of adopting a new base government reform called Imperial Austrian Monarchy. ...
Universal Monarchy gc_spa_hre New Kingdom of Granada gc_cas_spa_new_granada Pacify the Berbers gc_tun_tribes Traverse the Sahara gc_tun_sahara Air Strike gc_tun_air Conquer Kanem Bornu gc_tun_kanem Raid on Genoa gc_tun_genoa Raid on Valencia gc_tun_valencia Construct a Corsair Fleet ...
Removed several "valid_for_nation_designer" duplicates for the government reforms Sakdina System, Uparaja Succession and Confucian Bureaucracy. They are now for certain available for Custom Nations. Chinese Kingdom no longer requires you to have no religion to be used for Miao or Yi countries. Th...
新增一个政府改革 for the fith tier of the Native governments, which let the nation remain being a native instead of reforming into a monarchy or any 其它 of the governments。 This government is the default reform AI picks, making them a lot less likely to become a proper government。 Reduce...
clearreforms [<目标国家代码> 可选] 移除所有的 政府改革。 clr_consort_flag [<目标国家代码>] [<Flag>] 清理配偶的flag。 clr_flag [<Flag>] 清理全局flag。 clr_prov_flag [<Flag>] [<Province>] 清理一个省份的flag。 collision(debug_collision) 切换显示类型。 colonize [省份ID] 在一个...
government = native 或者:{ religion = nahuatl religion = mesoamerican_religion religion = inti } } change_government = monarchy add_government_reform = autocracy_reform }如果:{ 仅限于:{ has_heir = yes } set_heir_religion = ROOT } 如果:{ 仅限于:{ has_regency = no } set_ruler_rel...