改革为君主制Reform into Monarchy 改变政府类型为 君主制。 失去4 政府改革。 是时候放弃我们的部落服饰,创造一个由典章制度而不是依靠氏族忠诚承担的完全成熟的君主制国家。 若为 游牧科技组,则将视其宗教改为 东欧(如果是基督教), 穆斯林(如果是伊斯兰教), 北美(如果是 图腾崇拜), 安第斯(如果是 因蒂崇拜...
- New action for Elective Monarchy to support their own noble for the throne.- Lots of new events for Dutch Republics, Merchant Republic Factions, Elective Monarchies & Dictatorships.- Dictatorships are now special cases in a Republic when tradition goes too low, and can then last the rest ...
With unique flavor I mean things like Dutch Republic, Nahuatl Religion, Polish Elective Monarchy, HRE Religious League Wars, Hordes Razing Provinces, etc… I envision EU4 in 3 years with far far more difference playing each country in the world.There are also aspects of the game which we ...
- Constitutional Monarchy, Constitutional Republic and English Monarchy now have Parliaments. Countries with Parliaments have to grant a certain number of their provinces Seats in Parliament, which then allows those seats to vote on issues. The country with the parliament can choose between a few ...
仅限于: 政体是monarchy 正统性至少为 95 如果: 仅限于: 政体是republic 共和传统至少为 90 任意已知国家: 科技组是 西欧 对 我国的观点至少为 +100 如果: 仅限于: 拥有一位 2 级 哲学家顾问 获得国家修正 「哲学家焦点」 持续25年,并给予以下效果: −10% 理念花费 如果: 仅限于: 拥有一位...
As your goal is to become Denmark, the monarchy missions of Gotland are a little bit shorter, but will help you with your ambition. 由于你的目标是成立丹麦,因此哥特兰的君主制任务有一点短,但足够帮助你实现野心。 "Dynastic Relations" for example gives you 10k manpower per nation which has the...
You might notice that their names are in green. The reason for that is to showcase that these mercenaries cost no Army Professionalism to hire. They also possess a special tooltip when you hover over them to showcase their special feat: ...
仅限于:{ government = republic is_lesser_in_union = yes } change_government_to_monarchy = yes} 如果:{ 仅限于:{ 不是:{ has_country_flag = reined_in_for_shadow_kingdom } 不是:{ has_global_flag = italians_leave_hre } is_emperor = no is_part_of_hre = yes 或者:{ capital_...
Reform the Administration gen_hre_republic_reform_government Invade Novgorod invade_novgorod_mission Conquer Novgorod subjugate_novgorod Consolidate Russia consolidate_russia_mission Liberate Ruthenia russia_partitions_poland_new Conquer Finland conquer_finland Window on the West access_to_the_baltic_sea Tame ...
Tribal reform into Kingdom, Theocracy or Republic require Feudalism to be embraced。 Tribal reform into the Horde requires Military Technology level 6。 Reduced Native tribal 发展度 gain。 神圣罗马帝国:改变了发动帝国战争的条件:发展度不再有影响;can declare on countries with a neighbour 国家 that is...