- Now centralize state reduces the governing cost of the entire state. - Fixed so manpower and sailors received from colonies are based on max values instead of current. - Rebalanced monuments. - Fixed so that all tribal land is settled when you enact the federal constitution. - Nations no ...
Claim Timur’s Legacy - Countries ruled by Timurid rulers can form the Timurid Empire, getting permanent claims on all of Timur’s conquests, new national ideas and empire rank.Enthrone Timurid Prince - In the early game a powerful independent country in this region can invite a Timurid ...
Requires the country to own and control the entire area of its capital and to know about a province of the state religion which is owned by a heathen or heretic. Sanction Holy War 50 Grants a claim on all non-allied non-(own)subject bordering provinces which are owned by a heretic or...
Event that grants Austria a claim on Hungary's throne will now only do so if you don't have one already. AI republics will no longer refuse to form Italy. Fixed that defensiveness was global from trade company investements rather than local. ...
period of not less than six years from the Effective Time; provided that in the event any claim or claims are asserted or made within such six-year period, all rights to indemnification in respect of any such claim or claims shall continue until final disposition of any and all such claims...
Threaten War: Adds a diplomatic option to let you demand a province that you have a claim or core on. If the demand is accepted, the province is yours, otherwise war ensues. Force Migration: Added a new casus belli that lets you force a migratory neighbor to move to another province. ...
Threaten War: Adds a diplomatic option to let you demand a province that you have a claim or core on. If the demand is accepted, the province is yours, otherwise war ensues. Force Migration: Added a new casus belli that lets you force a migratory neighbor to move to another province. ...
Fixed superflous claim listing in Russian Nation forming decision Fixed inconsistent text in Rival Selection Screen. Fixed bug where AI would rival you at 80 or more trust. Build To Unit: Built units will now avoid enemies better on the way to the original unit. Added full description to gove...
Fabricating a claim now requires a spy network of at least 20. Each extra claim on another nation adds 25% cost for new claims fabricated. Reworked the "has powerful allies" acceptance factor, and now penalizes you when having a total alliance strength above five times the average country mil...