remove_claim [<省份ID>] [<国家代码> 可选] 移除宣称。 remove_core [<省份ID>] [<国家代码> 可选] 移除核心。 remove_country [<国家代码>] 移除一个国家,使其变为未殖民省份。 remove_defender_faith 移除玩家的信仰守护者。 remove_interest [<国家代码>] 从感兴趣的国家列表中移除指定国家。
remove_claim [<省份ID>] [<国家代码> 可选] 移除宣称。 remove_core [<省份ID>] [<国家代码> 可选] 移除核心。 remove_defender_faith 移除玩家的信仰守护者。 remove_interest [<国家代码>] 从感兴趣的国家列表中移除指定国家。 remove_march [<目标国家代码>] [<Actor 国家代码> 可选] 移除指定国家...
add_claimadd_claim [province id] [country tag]This command claims the province with the specified ID for either your current country, or the country with the specified country tag (if you specify a country tag). add_colonistadd_colonist [country tag]This command adds a colonist to the count...
Claim the Canaries gc_mor_canaries Colonize the West gc_mor_brazil New World Power gc_mor_new_world Reclaim Andalucia gc_mor_reclaim_andalucia Go Westward gc_por_portugal_discovers_south_america Brazilian Dominance gc_por_establishes_foothold_brazil Promote the Bandeirantes gc_por_bandeirantes Establis...
add_claim_multi_provinces target = balkan_region 获得 +50 力量投射 触发国家事件 「世界渴望之城」 结束突厥威胁 kok_persia_conquest_mission_slot_2 此内容可能已落后版本,最后更新于1.36 仅适用于: 不是: 使用随机地图设置 DLC 万王之王已激活 至少满足之一: 是 波斯 是 埃兰沙赫尔 任务完成条件...
Saxon mission "Claim the Borderlands" reduces separatism。Second requirement for mission "Trade Dominance" has correct highlight。Sharing knowledge now ends when the capital state provinces all have the institution, ignoring provinces owned by 其它 countries。
You can now claim Defender of Faith even when current holder has positive prestige. Core creation cost reduction cap changed from 90% to 80% (before admin efficiency and territorial core reductions). Core creation time now can't go below 6 months. ...
remove_cb [<宣战理由ID>] [<目标国家代码>] [<Actor 国家代码> 可选] 从目标国家移除宣战理由。 remove_claim [<省份ID>] [<国家代码> 可选] 移除宣称。 remove_core [<省份ID>] [<国家代码> 可选] 移除核心。 remove_defender_faith 移除玩家的信仰守护者。
Event that grants Austria a claim on Hungary's throne will now only do so if you don't have one already. AI republics will no longer refuse to form Italy. Fixed that defensiveness was global from trade company investements rather than local. ...
Saxon mission "Claim the Borderlands" reduces separatism。Second requirement for mission "Trade Dominance" has correct highlight。Sharing knowledge now ends when the capital state provinces all have the institution, ignoring provinces owned by 其它 countries。