- Nerfed AE forprimitives. - Fixed so you can use the cb_push_back_colonizers casus belli to use it against non tribal nations bordering them. - Fixed exploit where you could call to arms rivals of your enemies without being allied. - Fixed dismantle the revolution peace treaty having diffe...
You can now Threaten War over claims & cores someones subject owns. Marches now gets bonuses if they have less than 25% development of the overlord. Send Officers is now only valid on marches with less than 25% development of the overlord. Victory cards are now allowed on Tributaries (and...
Forming Austria now gives permanent claims on Inner Austria and Austria Proper. Semien, Damot, Ennarea, Kaffa, Janjiro, Welayta, Shewa and Medri Bahri will now all use Ethiopia's DLC units for those that have them. Hadiya will now use the Somali DLC units for those that have them. Do...
Forming Austria now gives permanent claims on Inner Austria and Austria Proper. Semien, Damot, Ennarea, Kaffa, Janjiro, Welayta, Shewa and Medri Bahri will now all use Ethiopia's DLC units for those that have them. Hadiya will now use the Somali DLC units for those that have them. ...