pean Food Safety Authority in order to update the Union list of food additives, except where the update in ques tion is not liable to have an effect on human health. Since the update concerned is not liable to have an effect on ...
最新欧盟食品级测试法规food (EU) No 10 2011
Additives in foodstuffs are labelled according the rules set out inDirective 2000/13/EC. Food additives are food ingredients and should be mentioned in the ingredients list. The additives must be designated by the name of their functional class, followed by their specific name or EC number. For...
(5) For reasons of clarity it is necessary to list food additives in groups of additives for authorisation for certain foods. Guidance should be provided to describe the different categories in order to ensure uniform interpretation. When necessary, interpretation decisions can be adopted in accordanc...
IIItoRegulation(EC)No1333/2008. (3)TheUnionlistoffoodadditivesandthespecificationsmaybeupdatedinaccordancewiththecommonproce durereferredtoinArticle3(1)ofRegulation(EC)No1331/2008oftheEuropeanParliamentandoftheCouncil eitherontheinitiativeoftheCommissionorfollowinganapplication( 3 ). ...
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) (EC) No 13332008 on food additives_EUEC欧盟指令条例.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 L354/16 EN OfficialJournaloftheEuropeanUnion 31.12.2008 REGULATION(EC)No1333/2008OFTHEEUROPEANPARLIAMENTANDOFTHECOUNCIL of16December2008 on...
2011号欧盟指南(EU)EUROPEAN COMMISSION HE ALTH AND CONSUME RS DIRE CTORATE-GENERAL Safety of the Food chain Innovation and sustainability Brussels, 21.02.2014 Union Guidelines on Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 on plastic materials and articles intended to come into contact with food 1 ...
in Directive 95/2/EC and having a function as a food additive other than carrier, should be included in Part 2 of Annex III to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 with the same conditions of use. Other food additives having a function other than carriers should also be included in this list....
(EU) No 231/2012 lay down specifications for food additives listed in Annexes II and III comment list good0%0 medium0%0 bad0%0
Articles6,7and8ofRegulation(EC)No1333/xx.TheUnionlistincludesthefoodadditivesonthebasisofthecategoriesoffoodtowhichtheymaybeaddedto. (4) InPartDoftheUnionlist,foodcategory12coverssalts,spices,soups,sauces,saladsandproteinproductsandincludessubcategory—vinegars.PartEoftheUnionlistsetsoutthefollowingauthorised...