Food additives in Europe 2000: Status of safety assessments of food additives presently permitted in the EU . TemaNord 560 , 156 – 158 .Breinholt V, Dragsted L, Hossaini A, Lam HR, Mortensen A, Rasmussen E,. . . Penttila P (2002) Food additives in Europe 2000, status of safety ...
In the past, the Scientific Committee on Food was the scientific guarantor for the safety of food additives (including sweeteners) in use within the European Union (EU). At present, this responsibility lies with the European Food Safety Authority. Extensive scientific research has demonstrated the ...
Appendix A.4: Additives currently permitted in food within the EU and their associated E numbers - Food Processing Technology (Third Edition) - 32ELSEVIERFood Processing Technology
Colors are food additives that are regulated in the EU1,USA2, and China3. Only approved food colors can beused and others are banned such as some azo compounds, because of their potential carcinogenicity. The so-calledSudan colors are usually used ...