(7) For prepared table water covered by category 14.1.1, the only permitted additives should be phosphoric acid and phosphates. Taking into account that Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 is intended to further harmonise the use of food additives in foods in the Union and to ensure ...
(8) Food additives listed as food additives permitted in foods for infants and young children by Directive 95/2/EC and having a function as a food additive in nutrients should be included with the same conditions of use in the list set out in Part 5 Section B of Annex III to Regulation...
(1) In category 0 (Food additives permitted in all categories of foods), (i) the entry concerning additives E 551-559 (only foods in dried powdered form (i.e. foods dried during the production process, and mixtures thereof), excluding foods listed in table 1 of Part A of this Annex...
A request to amend the Union list of food additives has been submitted by the Danish Seafood Association in order to increase the maximum permitted level of benzoic acid — benzoates (E 210-213) in cooked shrimps in brine. (4) Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 sets maximum limits...
(2)ThatlistmaybeamendedinaccordancewiththecommonprocedurereferredtoinArticle3(1)ofRegulation (EC)No1331/2008oftheEuropeanParliamentandoftheCouncil( 2 ),eitherontheinitiativeoftheCommission orfollowinganapplication. (3)TheUnionlistoffoodadditiveswasestablishedbasedonfoodadditivespermittedforuseinfoodsinaccordance ...
The presence of food additives should therefore be considered safe even for consumers that eat large quantities of foodstuffs to which the additives have been used at the maximum permitted level. What are the conditions to authorise food additives?
(EC)No1331/xxoftheEuropeanParliamentandoftheCouncil(2),eitherontheinitiativeoftheCommissionorfollowinganapplication. (3) TheUnionlistoffoodadditiveswasestablishedbasedonfoodadditivespermittedforuseinfoodsinaccordancewithDirectivesoftheEuropeanParliamentandoftheCouncil94/35/EC(3),94/36/EC(4)and95/2/EC(5)...
(1) Regulation (EC) No 1333/2008 lays down a Union list of food additives approved for use in foods and their conditions of use. (2) The European Food Safety Authority (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Authority’) evaluated the safety of steviol glycosides, extracted from the leaves of ...
Appendix A.4: Additives currently permitted in food within the EU and their associated E numbers - Food Processing Technology (Third Edition) - 32ELSEVIERFood Processing Technology
(4) It is necessary to amend the Annex of Directive 94/35/EC to permit the use of neotame in the same food applications as the other currently permitted intense sweeteners. Neotame should be assigned a new E number, namely E 961. In order to facilitate the marketing and use of this new...