Articles6,7and8ofRegulation(EC)No1333/xx.TheUnionlistincludesthefoodadditivesonthebasisofthecategoriesoffoodtowhichtheymaybeaddedto. (4) InPartDoftheUnionlist,foodcategory12coverssalts,spices,soups,sauces,saladsandproteinproductsandincludessubcategory—vinegars.PartEoftheUnionlistsetsoutthefollowingauthorised...
food ingredient databaseyoghurtsDietary exposure assessment to flavourings presents a challenge due to the very large number of food products in which they may be present and the lack of knowledge of their actual presence. Industry claims to be adding more than 2800 different chemically defined ...
assessment of the anticipated daily intake of the NF based on the applicant's proposed uses and maximum proposed use levels (Table 8) using the EFSA Dietary Exposure (DietEx) Tool7, which is based on individual data from the EFSA Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database (EFSA, 2011)....
The proposed method, provides a crucial tool for specifically and rapidly identifying this unauthorized GM bacterium in food and feed additives by enforcement laboratories. Moreover, this work can be seen as a case study to substantiate how the use of NGS data can offer an added value to easily...
Products that contain SVHC aren’t necessarily prohibited. However, if your product contains more than 0.1% of any SVHC, you are required to register and enter this fact into the SCIP database. By doing this, you notify the ECHA about the substance’s presence in their product. ...
operators, manufacturers, processors and distributors of food contact materials and other interested parties should provide to EFSA the monitoring data expressed on whole mass basis with the information and in the electronic reporting format as set out by EFSA for compilation into a single database. ...
EU pesticides-database Google Scholar European Chemicals AgencyECHA, European Chemicals Agency, ECHA Substance infocard DMF ...
When agricultural exports through the Black Sea plummeted following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, big food companies suddenly found themselves scrambling to find alternative sources of grains and oilseeds. But processed foods these days are complex mélanges of stabilizers, additives, preservatives, swee...
Taking into account the consumption data for dietary foods for special medical purposes from the EFSA Comprehensive European Food Consumption Database (6) and assuming that they would contain aluminium at the maximum level of 3 mg/kg, the exposure to aluminium from those foods remains well below ...