If configured load balancing algorithm is DST_MAC Then no of flows = 2 If configured load balancing algorithm is DST_PORT Then no of flows= 1 Catalyst 6500 系列交换机 检查运行负载均衡算法。 在交换机处理器(SP)中,输入show etherchannel load-balance。
★多个接口捆绑成单条EtherChannel后,在STP中,被当作单条链路来计算,同时Path Cost值会和原物理链路有所不同。 5. EtherChannel Load Balancing 当将多个接口捆绑成EtherChannel组之后,流量将同时从多个接口上被发出去,称为Load Balancing,即负载均衡,对于流量以什么样的负载均衡方式从EtherChannel组中的多个接口上发出...
Traffic for a certain src-dest-ip will go through the same member interface. If that interface goes down, the traffic will be redistributed to the other members in the port-channel. Like@MHM Cisco Worldmentioned, load balancing will not be that efficient because the number of links are not...
EtherChannel load balancing can use MAC addresses or IP addresses, source or destination addresses, or both source and destination addresses. The mode applies to all EtherChannels that are configured on the switch. You configure the load balancing and forwarding method with use of theport-channel ...
etherchannel load balancing(做负载分担) 基于mac地址 switch(config)#port-channel load-balance src-mac show etherchannel load-balance 最多支持8个接口捆绑。 show etherchannel summary bpdu guard(bpdu防护) switch(config)#spanning-tree portfast bpduguard ...
where did you find the information in respect of the first section of your reply about etherchannel load balancing - do you have the url. thanks phil 0 helpful hi! as far as i know, l2 or l3 etherchannel should cause no difference in the load balancing algo. the load balancing should ...
Understanding EtherChannel Load Balancing and Redundancy on Catalyst Switches
视IOS情况而定,并不是所有的ios 都支持这些负载方式,参考:“Understanding EtherChannel Load Balancing and Redundancy on CatalystSwitches”。 在交换机之间通过ethernet捆绑了多条链路后,默认执行基于源mac的负载均衡,而每条链路的流量比例却是固定的,接口上的流量比例,执行如下标准: ...
有关EtherChannel 实现的详细信息,请参见 Cisco 提供的文章 Understanding EtherChannel Load Balancing and Redundancy on Catalyst Switches。 EtherChannel 支持的方案: 一个IP 到多个 IP 的连接。(主机 A 向主机 B 和主机 C 发起两个连接会话) 多个IP 到多个 IP 的连接。(主机 A 和主机 B 向主机 C、主机...
若要确定这一点,请发出remote login switch命令以远程登录到交换机处理器 (SP) 控制台。 然后,发出以下命令:test etherchannel load-balance interface port-channel number {ip | l4port | mac} [source_ip_add |source_mac_add| source_l4_port] [dest_ip_add |dest_mac_add| dest_l4_port]。