show etherchannel load-balanceSRC IPL2 SRC MAC IPv4 SRC IPv4 IPv6 SRC IPv6DST IPL2 DST MAC IPv4 DST IPv4 IPv6 DST IPv6 IP A IP B IP CDecision based on In coming packetPacket flow to B Packet flow to CIP A IP BServer IPPacket flow to SRV MAC Packet flow to SRV MACDecision bas...
Show processes cpu 查看交换机CPU利用率 Show spanning-tree 查看网桥优先级(BID)、端口信息等 Show spanning-tree summary 查看生成树摘要信息 Show standby brief 查看HSRP状态 Show standby 查看HSRP详细状态 show etherchannel summary 查看所有捆绑的接口 show etherchannel load-balance 查看负载分担配置(etherchannel...
In the output of the show etherchannel load-balance command, the following guidelines apply: •For EtherChannel load balancing of IPv6 traffic, if the traffic is bridged onto an EtherChannel (for example, it is a Layer 2 channel and traffic in the same VLAN is bridged across...
在详细的单行摘要表单中显示 EtherChannel 信息。此命令还显示端口和端口信道信息。 show port-channel load-balance 显示端口通道负载均衡信息以及为给定的一组参数选择的散列结果和成员接口。 show lacp cluster 要显示 cLACP 系统 MAC 和 ID,请使用 show lacp cluster 命令 show lacp ...
网络的简要信息;查看以太网通道的配置信息 网络释义
MrSpeakers’EtherElectrostatic(under $3k) is due to start shipping in September 2017. Like other more expensive ’stats, it was very open-sounding, well-balanced, and detailed. It is a great value! The company’s newAeon($800) is a planar-magnetic headphone using an aluminum driver. It ...
riemann-relay - Relay to load-balance Riemann events and/or convert them to Carbon. RoadRunner - High-performance PHP application server, load-balancer and process manager. yakvs - Small, networked, in-memory key-value store. Template Engines Libraries and tools for templating and lexing. ace ...
Better Bonded Ethernet Load Balancing Jason Gabler, NERSC / LBL When a High Performance Storage System's mover shuttles large amounts of data to storage over a single Ethernet device that single channel can rapidly become saturated. Using Linux Ethernet channel bonding to address...
Control Module (ECM) to balance the performance of the injectors. The electronic service tool is used to load the injector codes into the ECM. The injector codes must be loaded into the ECM if any of the following conditions occur: • An electronic unit injector is replaced. • The ECM...
2018年GB/T, GBT, GB标准目录1( 序号;标准号码;标准中文名称;标准英文名称;状态;英文版现货参考价格(在线评估PDF样品,9秒自动发货) 1. GB 10493-2018;铁路站内道口信号设备技术条件;Technical specification for crossing signal equipment within the station;有效 ...