进入全监督模式后,如果SSP和坡度数据不适用于整列列车,则应向司机清楚显示“ENTERING FS”指示,直到有整列列车的数据为止。注意:这条指示可能在列车长度增加时也会显示。 ETCS设备应根据动态速度概要监督列车的运动。 设备应向司机显示列车速度、允许速度、目标距离和目标速度等。 适用等级 Level 1、Level 2 责任 ER...
空隙语言(airgap language):ERTMS/ETCS应用数据及其协调规则,通过应答器、环线和无线电传输介质传输。 应用等级(application level):不同的ERTMS/ETCS应用级别是表示轨道与列车之间可能操作关系的一种方式。级别定义与轨旁设备的使用相关,影响信息到达车载设备的方式以及功能在轨旁和车载设备中的处理方式。 授权(authenticati...
This makes it the f矛rst and only country in which train control is carried out nationwide with ETCS Level 1 Full Supervision (ETCS L1 FS). However, the solutions and technologies used in recent years are no longer state of the art. In a further ETCS project, a fully digital integration...
事件ID事件描述MMI-1a全监控(Full Supervision)模式及更虚假确认MMI-1b进入补机模式(Non-leading mode)的虚假命令MMI-1c越过(Override ) EoA请求的虚假命令MMI-1d等级变换(Level Transition)虚假确认MMI-1e列车冒进(Train Trip)虚假确认MMI-1f轨道前方空闲(Track Ahead Free 虚假确认MMI-2aMMI上的速度或距离的...
Keywords:European train control system;onboard equipment;level crossing 平交道口是指铁路和公路在同一平面上的交叉路口,其在铁路运输当中属于比较重要而特殊的一个部分,是整个交通网络当中,唯一存在公路和铁路路权冲突的区域。因此,平交道口属于事故易发地段,一旦发生事故,直接威胁到人们的生命安全,甚至还会造成大...
事件ID 事件描述 MMI-1a 全监控(Full Supervision)模式变更虚假确认 MMI-1b 进入补机模式(Non-leading mode)的虚假命令 MMI-1c 越过 62、(Override )EoA 请求的虚假命令 MMI-1d 等级变换(Level Transition)虚假确认 MMI-1e 列车冒进(Train Trip)虚假确认 MMI-1f 轨道前方空闲(Track Ahead Free)虚假确认 MMI...
The company was recently awarded a tender to supply its ECM European Train Control System (ETCS) Level 2 wayside product to Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (FS Italiane Group). “This opportunity will help us further grow our signaling services in Italy as we develop ETCS Leve...
Figure 1: Respective positions of the areas of a ETCS-DMI display. These areas are used for speed and supervision information. The main focus of the driver is on the "Speed info" area, which displays namely the actual speed, the speed limit, and the level of speed supervision. As soon ...
39、1d等级变换(level transition)虚假确认mmi-1e列车冒进(train trip)虚假确认mmi-1f轨道前方空闲(track ahead free)虚假确认mmi-2ammi上的速度或距离的虚假显示mmi-2bmmi上模式的虚假显示mmi-3司机列车数据输入的伪造篡改mmi-4mmi显示凝固停止或延迟odo-1不正确的停车指示odo-2速度测量低估列车实际速度odo-3不正...
This method for initializing the Full Supervision - FS - mode for the movement of a train (4) on a railway (2) equipped with a signaling system (1) complying with the ERTMS/ETCS Level 2 or Level 3 standards, comprises the steps of: - Identifying the signaling block (A6-A3) in which...