[1]: 超出新的SvL(安全位置)或在情况a下,超出已接受的条件紧急停车(CES)的停止位置。 [2]: 当车载设备上有用于SR(负责人模式)的应答器组列表时,这些情况不会发生。因为车载设备处于SR模式,且没有存储MA或轨道描述,因此无法定义新的SvL。 [3]: 如果接收到新的非填充MA(情况b或f),存储的MA将被新MA完全...
Figure 1: Respective positions of the areas of a ETCS-DMI display. These areas are used for speed and supervision information. The main focus of the driver is on the "Speed info" area, which displays namely the actual speed, the speed limit, and the level of speed supervision. As soon ...