他们却用属灵的话遮盖他们的罪恶,用底拿作他们作恶的掩护。 i.他们觉得自己是正当的,因为示剑人把他们的妹妹底拿当作妓女对待(《创世记》第34章第31节),但他们为了自己的强暴目的把神所立之约的记号给卖了。 5.(18-24)哈抹和示剑就对那城里的人说,照这话去行吧。 哈抹和他的儿子示剑喜欢这话。那少年...
ii. “以撒意识到他希望给以扫祝福是错误的后,他就不再坚持了。他要把自己的福赐给以扫,但他从来没有想过要收回他所做的事——他觉得这是神的安排。又对他儿子说,‘他有福了,将来也必蒙福。’”(司布真) 3.(34-38)以扫对雅各得祝福的反应。 以扫听了他父亲的话,就放声痛哭,说,“我父阿,求你也为我...
ii. If you believe Genesis 1:1, you really have no problem believing the rest of the Bible. The God big enough to have created the heavens and the earth is big enough to do all the rest the Bible says that He did and does. b. God: This is the ancient Hebrew word Elohim. Grammat...
Genesis 2:22 says, He brought her to the man. Adam was not brought to Eve, but Eve was brought to Adam – her head. It is an idea offensive to the spirit of our age, but the Bible in this passage clearly teaches that (in the church and in the home) man was not made for the...
A.以撒犯了跟亚伯拉罕一样的错误。 1.(1)以撒面对饥荒,前往埃及。 在亚伯拉罕的日子,那地有一次饥荒。这时又有饥荒,以撒就往基拉耳去,到非利士人的王亚比米勒那里。 a.那地有一次饥荒:虽然以撒住在神应许给他父亲亚伯拉罕和他子嗣的土地上,但这并不是说那里的生活就没有困难和挑战。亚伯兰的日子有饥荒(《创世...
ii.《创世记》第34章一次也没有提到神,是以色列历史上最肮脏的章节之一。《创世记》第35章一遍又一遍地提到神,超过10次之多,另外还有11次提到神的名字,比如伯特利和以色列。 b.要在那里筑一座坛给神:雅各被告知回到伯特利,在那里继续敬拜的生活。回归到神里面对雅各的子嗣产生了特别好的影响。这提醒我们,父母能...
These were sins at the root of the depravity described in Genesis 19, and in addition to that depravity. · She and her daughter had pride: Genesis 13:10 says that the land of Sodom was like the garden of the LORD. It was the kind of city that citizens take great pride in. · ...
After the extended story of the fall and ruin of humanity in Genesis 1-11, the story of the covenants begins. · The Abrahamic Covenant promised to Abraham and his covenant descendants a land, a nation, and a blessing to extend to all nations (Genesis 12:1-3). · The Mosaic or Sinai...
4.(34)利未的出生。 她又怀孕生子,起名叫利未(就是联合的意思),说,“我给丈夫生了三个儿子,他必与我联合。” a.起名叫利未:雅各的第三个孩子名叫利未,是利亚给雅各生的。利亚仍活在希望中,希望她的丈夫雅各会爱她,并在她生下这几个儿子后能与她联合。
•两位母亲都确信上帝是全能的这一真理(《创世记》第18章第13-14节;路加福音第1章第34节,第37节)。 •两人在出生前都获得了寓意丰富的名字。 •这两次出生都发生在神指定的时间(《创世记》第21章第2节;加拉太书第4章第4节)。 •两个的出生都伴随着极大的喜乐(《创世记》第21章第6节;路加福音...