A.雅各听到以扫的声音。 1.(1-2)雅各在玛哈念遇见了神的使者。 雅各仍旧行路,神的使者遇见他。雅各看见他们就说,这是神的军兵,于是给那地方起名叫玛哈念(就是二军兵的意思)。 a.神的使者遇见他:我们不知道这具体是什么意思。在某种程度上,通常看不见的使者现在对雅各来说是可见的,他们遇见了他。也许神...
b.你在谁那里搜出来,就不容谁存活:雅各不知道他心爱的妻子拉结偷了她父家里的神像,他宣称自己是无辜的,并诅咒那个贼,不知道他实际上是在请审判临到他自己的妻子。 5.(33-35)拉班搜寻他家里的偶像。 拉班进了雅各,利亚,并两个使女的帐棚,都没有搜出来,就从利亚的帐棚出来,进了拉结的帐棚。拉结已经把神像...
He served Laban for twenty years, enduring hardship and deceit.2. LabanJacob's uncle and father-in-law, who repeatedly changed Jacob's wages, demonstrating a lack of integrity and fairness.3. Paddan-aramThe region where Laban lived and where Jacob spent twenty years working for him.4. ...
i. “It is no accident that God is the subject of the first sentence of the Bible, for this word dominates the whole chapter and catches the eye at every point of the page: it is used some thirty-five times in as many verses of the story.” (Kidner) ii. If you believe Genesis ...
You will also learn an enduring truth: Key Principle: Maturity is about recognizing stewardship and taking responsibility. In fact, Abraham had three kinds of people in his life that are carefully highlighted in the story. Bear in mind he wasn’t always reflected as a good guy without flaws ...
The perpetual nature of the curse indicates that the serpent's defeat is ongoing and eternal. This phrase underscores the enduring consequences of sin and the certainty of God's judgment. It also points to the hope of redemption and restoration through Jesus Christ, who will ultimately crush the...
stable. Of course, that may be easier said than done when the "attractions" include velociraptors, tyrannosaurs, and other fearsome creatures. In addition to creating the park, players are challenged to complete a series of 12 missions ranging from dinosaur control to enduring the ravages of ...
So enduring was their achievement that to-day the Constitution of the United States is the oldest comprehensive written form of government now existing in the world. Few, if any, forms of government have better withstood the mad spirit of innovation, or more effectively proved their merit by ...
1.(1-4)拉结心中沮丧,就将她的使女辟拉给雅各,使她与雅各生儿育女。 拉结见自己不给雅各生子,就嫉妒她姐姐,对雅各说,“你给我孩子,不然我就死了。”雅各向拉结生气,说,“叫你不生育的是神,我岂能代替他作主呢?”拉结说,“有我的使女辟拉在这里,你可以与她同房,使她生子在我膝下,我便因她也得孩子(...
利亚给雅各所生的女儿底拿出去,要见那地的女子们。那地的主希未人,哈抹的儿子示剑看见她,就拉住她,与她行淫,玷辱她。示剑的心系恋雅各的女儿底拿,喜爱这女子,甜言蜜语地安慰她。示剑对他父亲哈抹说,求你为我聘这女子为妻。 a.利亚给雅各所生的女儿底拿:这一章包含了以色列历史上最耻辱的事件之一。利亚...